Chapter 6

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Drew got up from the sofa and went to the bathroom attached to their dressing room. He splashed some cold water on his face to try and get rid of the redness around his eyes and fixed his hair. His eyes were still slightly red when he walked back into the room, but he looked presentable so they left and made their way to The Vamps's dressing room. On their way they bumped into Tristan who had been to get some food.
"Hey guys." He said walking along side Drew and throwing an arm over his shoulders.
"What's up? Shouldn't you be at the signing going on out the front?" he asked confused. Drew was saved from replying by Connor.
"There was an incident with a fan and Drew just needed some space and someone to talk to." Tristan looked closer at Drew and noticed the slight redness around his eyes from where he had been crying. He pulled his arm from around his shoulders and stopped, turning Drew to face him.
"Okay who was it? I am so going to give this person a piece of my mind, I don't care who it is, no one has the right to treat anyone that way." With that he turned around and started to walk back the way they had come.
"Tris! Stop!" Connor shouted after him and when he didn't he ran towards him and stopped in front of him.
"Move out of my way Con!" was the reply that Connor got.
"No. You can't do this Tris, just turn around and come back with us." He tried reasoning.
"Let me pass Connor, no one gets to upset Drew and get away with it, if you don't move I'll move you myself." Tristan replied before stepping around Connor. Connor quickly turned to Drew and told him to call James before he went after him and stopped him from going any further by wrapping his arms around him.
"Let me go Connor." Tristan said trying to get out of his grip.
"No. This isn't going to do anyone any good!" They continued to struggle for a few minutes before Tris got free and Connor ran after him again. Tristan nearly made it to the front of the venue when James appeared.
"Tristan!" he shouted before jogging down the corridor to catch up with them.
"Tristan, stop!" he shouted once again. Tristan paused and turned to face James.
"Listen, there are hundreds of fans out there, you can't go out there." he tried to reason.
"I don't care! No one should get away with treating someone so badly, especially not Drew who wouldn't hurt a fly!" Tris argued back.
"Yes. But this isn't going to help!" Tristan turned away and made to continue towards the front of the venue.
"Tristan. Stop. This isn't helping Drew!" he shouted moving in front of him and placing a hand on his chest. Tris looked at James before he abruptly turned and pulled Drew into a hug.
"I'm sorry for over reacting but no one deserves to be treated that way." Tris said quietly to Drew.
"It's fine, honestly but thanks Tris." Drew replied.
"Anytime. Now come one you have a signing to get back to." He replied pulling out of the hug.
"I just need to go to the bathroom and then I'll go back." Drew replied looking at Connor who nodded before making his way to their dressing room to get Levi. James took Tristan by the hand before dragging him back to catering to grab a bottle of water. Drew slowly made his way to the bathroom trying to think of what he was going to say to Levi. He decided that what Connor said was true and he should probably tell him the truth. He stood in front of the mirror staring at his reflection, willing the redness around his eyes to go down. As he was stood there he saw the door open behind him and Levi walked in.
"Hey" he said locking the door behind him.
"Hey" Drew replied turning to face him but not looking directly at him.
"Are you okay?" Levi asked looking at him with a worried expression. Drew nodded not being able to look at Levi, feeling his eyes tear up again. Levi quickly strode across to him and pulled him into a hug, Drew buried his face in Levi's neck and let out the tears that were threatening to fall. He tightened his grip around Drew and let a few tears of his own fall. He let Drew just cry and almost missed it when Drew quietly whispered "Please don't leave me." Levi once again tightened his grip around him and waited until he had cried himself out, before pulling away to look him in the eye and reply.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere, I promise. No one will make me leave your side ever. The only way I'm leaving is if you tell me you don't love me and you want me to leave." He said before pressing a tender kiss to Drew's lips. They stood together in the middle of the bathroom sharing tender kisses in between Levi's gentle reassurances that he wasn't going anywhere. After a few minutes they both freshened up and made their way back to the signing. They met Davey at the door and after several reassurances that he was fine on Drew's part, they made their way back to the table. Austin and Nate both asked if he was okay and he nodded and smiled at them before taking his seat again, just with Levi at his side and not Nate. They finished the signing before making their way back to the dressing room. Drew and Levi sat on one sofa with Austin and Nate on another. Levi sat as close to Drew as possible while not looking suspicious with his arm was draped across the back of the sofa, his fingers occasionally brushing the back of Drew's neck. He did this on purpose to reassure Drew that he wasn't going anywhere. It wasn't long before Davey poked his head around the door and told them to make their way to the stage. All four boys stood up with Drew and Levi hanging back a little bit. Before they left the room Levi pulled Drew into a tight hug again, he pulled away and looked Drew in the eye.
"I love you." He said softly.
"I love you too." Drew replied just as softly. They shared another tender kiss before leaving and catching up with the others. As soon as they reached the stage they all got into position and ran through a few of their songs before heading back to the hotel. Usually they would stay and watch The Vamps dudes rehearse but they all knew that Levi wanted to talk to Drew about what happened earlier and make sure that he was okay. They all softly spoke amongst themselves on the way back and once they arrived Levi pulled Drew straight into his room and shut the door so Austin and Nate couldn't follow them in. He took Drew's hand and pulled him to the sofa in the corner of the room where they sat down and he pulled him into a hug.
"Will you tell me what happened earlier at the meet and greet?" he asked softly. Drew looked at his hands and took a deep breath before nodding his head.
"It was going great; it really was but then it all went downhill. She seemed to be really friendly to you three but she changed as soon as she hugged Nate. She leaned over the table and..." he paused for a minute trying not to feel hurt again as he replayed her words in his head.
"Can you tell me what she said?" Levi asked gently.
"She said that I wasn't good enough for you and that you don't love me. That the band would be better without me and I should just kill myself because no one would miss me." By the time he had finished speaking they both had tears streaming down their faces.
"Please don't listen to her. You are good enough trust me, if anyone isn't good enough it's me. I love you so much it's unbelievable. It kills me when we have to pretend that we're not together or when we get split up and put in different hotel rooms. I don't even want to think about the break in tour we have coming up. The band would be nothing without you, none of us would continue on without you. At this point it's all of us together or none of us. I know for a fact that Austin and Nate wouldn't want to carry on and would miss you so much. There are so many people who would miss you and you don't even know it. It would devastate your family if you weren't here anymore and honestly it would destroy me. I don't know what I would do without you Drew. You're the kindest, smartest and most caring person I've ever met. You put so much effort and hard work into everything you do and never ask for anything in return. If any of us ever need anything you're there, even if it's just someone to talk too. If any of us are down, you'll automatically try and cheer us up. It doesn't just apply to me Austin and Nate either, you're there for everyone. You helped Connor admit his feelings for Brad and then work up the courage to tell him. Connor told me how Tris reacted today when he found out you were upset. He thinks of you as a little brother. Blake looks up to you as an older brother and knows he can approach you about anything. Everyone here loves you Drew. That girl doesn't know you, she doesn't know how you would go to the ends of the earth for those you love. She doesn't know what you've been through in the past and how you came out stronger. She doesn't know that when you love someone you give them your whole heart and would do anything for them. She doesn't know you, all she knows is about you is from twitter or Instagram or videos. She doesn't know the real you and has no right to say that to you or to anyone. She's a worse person than you'll ever be. Treating people like that will get you nowhere in life and will only end in loneliness. You've got Austin and Nate and Blake and George and Reece and Brad and Connor and James and Tristan. And you've got me, I promise you I'm not going anywhere. Ever. I love you too much Drew."


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