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Kalani PoV

I was walking with Kenzie Jojo Johnny and Hayes to the rest of the group
Kenzie:Has Kendall walked in yet
Maddie:she's here now
Kalani:she might come to us
Jojo:cute outfit

Kendall's outfit

Kendall's outfit

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Kendall's PoV

I was walking into school when I saw my old friends watching me I was going to smile then my friends walked in front of me
Sienna:your here
Dustin:you okay Kendall
Kendall:yeah why wouldn't I be
Dustin:come on then you can watch us practice
Sienna and Jordyn linked arms with me and dragged me along to the field we sat down and watched them play
Jordyn:look the freaks are here
I looked over and saw Maddie and the others sat there
Kendall:oh yeah
Sienna:you guys want anything from Starbucks
Kendall:who's going
Sienna:Ethan he asked if you wanted anything
Jordyn:I'll have Vanilla Iced Coffee
Kendall:I'll have the same
We where all watching the boys play football when we heard girls shouting Chloe we looked over and saw Chloe falling down the steps and the others running down
Kendall:omg is she okay
I stood up to walk down but Jordyn pulled me back down
Jordyn:she's fine
Ethan:hey girlies here's your Starbucksi
Girls:thanks Ethan
Ethan is gay he loves shopping he's like our gay best friend
Kendall:So shopping on Saturday
Jordyn:of coarse
Jordyn:look at Aaron's muscles
Ethan:strong lad nice
We all looked at Ethan and laughed
Sienna:look at Zack
Kendall:Look at Dustin
Oh and by the way I'm going out with Dustin sienna and Zack and Jordyn and Aaron and Ethan single I looked over and saw Maddie and Paige staring at me I guess Jordyn notice because she sat on the other side of me so I couldn't see them
Jordyn:wait is Aaron having a party tomorrow
Ethan:yeah we need to get outfits
Sienna:we should skip the day and buy outfits
Kendall:what yeah sure
Sienna:what did we say
Kendall:um that we should um
Jordyn:we are skipping the day to go shopping
Kendall:okay let's go
Jordyn:let's say bye to the lads
We started walking down the steps past the others we someone stuck there foot out I knew it was Nick I walked over it and carried on walking Nick always had a crush on me but I didn't like him when Jordyn came she got me with Dustin and now he's jealous
Dustin:hey girls what's up
Kendall:where going to the mall
Aaron:have fun                                                                                                                                                                       Jordyn:we will

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