Chapter 14

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...and the award for worst updater goes to....

So. Um. Hi. 

Yeah yeah I know its been like 6 months, I apologise. The truth is I forgot my password. That sounds like a pathetic made up excuse but its true. I had no idea how to reset it so I just gave up, but I'm back now and I'm so happy. I have no idea if people are even still reading this fanfic but I think I'd like to continue it for a while even so :D Here's chapter 14.

PS- Thank you sososososo much for 900+ reads :) x


Chapter fourteen:

Lydia POV:

I fell sound asleep in Alfie's arms until something woke me.

I heard the front door open and slam shut. It scared the crap out of me.

Oh my god.

Someone was in the flat.

I gently shook Alfie awake.

"Alfie?" I said, ever so quietly.

"Babe?" He whispered. "What's the time?"

I glanced at the clock.


"Almost three." I whispered. "Alfie, I think there's someone in the flat."

"What?" He whispered, looking confused, but suddenly looking more awake.

"I heard the door slam."

"It's probably Dani."

"Alfie, babe, why would Dani stop her sexy-times with Caspar and come into our flat for no reason at three in the morning?"

His eyebrows burrowed together in confusion, thinking.

"Get behind me." He ordered.

I climbed over him and put my hand on his shoulder.

We were both half sitting up in bed, on our sides.

We looked at Alfie's slightly open bedroom door.

Alfie put one of his arms around me protectively.

We heard someone in the kitchen, turning a tap on.

"I should go and look." Alfie whispered, turning his head slightly back towards me.

"Don't." I said. "Stay with me."

He nodded his head.

We heard footsteps.

What the hell was happening?!


Alfie POV:

I had my arm around Lydia.

Who the hell was in our flat?

I wanted to go and look.

Should I?

Then all of a sudden we heard footsteps, coming down the hallway.

My grip on Lydia tightened.

She was shaking.

I rubbed her arm gently up and down to try and sooth her.

The footsteps were closer.

Really close.

Oh god.

The door slowly creaked open.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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