Chapters 9-14

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I love all the new characters!! They all seem very complex and have so much potential to become these great king slaying, badass characters. The only downside to following so many characters is that they're all in different locations doing different things. Chaol, Dorian, and Aedion are in Rifthold dealing with the king and his court while Manon is in the Ferian Gap dealing with the wyverns and giving us a lot of background on witches. Then there's Celaena and Rowan in the Doranelle checkpoint who are focusing on Celaena's Fae powers and the emptiness she is dealing with while giving us background on the Fae part of this fantasy world. In other words, things are all over the place. I don't know if I'm the only one struggling with this, but I am having a hard time keeping track of everything. Every other chapter we are in a different place, learning about a different character and are learning about different parts of this world. I love that we are really getting to explore this world and getting to meet brand new characters, I just find myself getting lost sometimes. When I sit down to plan out what I will be saying in these updates I feel like my rough plan is as much to know what I'm going to write as it is so I can keep track of what's going on in the book. I'm sure as I continue on things will begin to blend together more and I won't find it as confusing. Regardless, the three separate settings do help to give me more of an idea of what this world is really about. I'll stop rambling now and break down what has happen in these chapters.

In Crown of Midnight we got to hear a tiny little bit about witches when Baba Yellowlegs came into the story. I remember feeling a bit disappointed when we didn't really learn anything about the witches. I'm so thrilled that we are really learning about these magical creatures now. I really like Manon in particular. She is ruthless and bloodthirsty but that's one thing I love about her character. As much as it killed me to have Celaena so broken, some of my favorite scenes from COM were when she let her ruthless self take over. Manon is like that ruthless side brought to life. One thing that makes me really drawn to Manon is the fact that she doesn't waver and flip-flop. Celaena tended to flip-flop between fashionista, and borderline girlie girl to ruthless assassin in two seconds flat. Her mood swings sometimes came out of nowhere. She was sassy, badass and unpredictable. Those things made me love Celaena in the first two books but now she needs to really needs to make up her mind about who she is, who she wants to become and where her loyalties lie. She has been to hell and back yes, but that doesn't mean that she can just say "Peace out guys I've served my time I'm just going to go chill over here while the evil king takes over this whole world even though I am in a position to stop him". You made a promise to Nehemia that you would see to it that Eyllwe was free is it was the last thing you did Celaena. Let's face it, Eyllwe can never be free so long and that king sits on his glass throne. You made a promise, now follow through with it. Celaena, you keep saying that all you find inside yourself is ashes, well its time for you to channel your inner Pheonix and rise from those ashes as something new and reforged. I don't care if you go as Aelin or Celaena or Elentiya so long as you hone your magic into a wieldable weapon that can be used against the king. This was why I am so happy about Rowan's character. Celaena doesn't need a person to coddle her and tell her everything is going to be alright, she needs someone who is going to push her to become the boss ass bitch she is meant to become. Eventually I hope that they come to respect each other and become allies, but for now, Celaena needs to figure herself out.

Now let's move on to Celaena's Male counterpart, Aedion. He literally seems like the male version of Celaena. We haven't gotten to see a whole lot from Aedion which is really disappointing. I know that other characters are a bit more important at this point, but I'm very intrigued by Aedion's character. We got that brief comment from the king talking about how contrary to popular belief, Aedion is only loyal to the king becasue the king is pretty much blackmailing him. Ever since, I have been yearning to see more scenes with him but we barely get any. I hope we get to see some more from him through Chaol or better yet that he'll get his own POV. We already have about a million perspectives why not throw in another? Another hope I have for him is that he'll team up with Celaena once she pulls herself together. Have you guys ever wondered what would've happend if Aedion would've shown up a few weeks eariler and run into Celaena? That would've been interesting. 

Sorry this review was kind of sloppy and all over the place. I had a very limited time to write it in but I wanted to get this out for you guys not to mention I want to see what happens next and I don't allow myself to continue reading until I've written the update. Thank you so much for reading and I'll try to get the next one up as soon as possible!

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