Benedict's Angel

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"Benny.... Ben....?" called a beautiful voice between soft, melodious giggles. She continued laughing, calling out Benedict's name.
"Huh?" He jerked his head to look at the source of this sudden loud, unpleasant voice.
"I am talking to you! You understand that?!"
"Don't shout! I am not deaf" said Benedict heating up.
"Don't you use that tone with me, you ungrateful boy! I am your father!' yelled Mr. Cooper in a fit of rage. " You don't want to face my wrath!" cried the man in an unmistakable tone of cold fury.
"Really father? Can you be any worse still? Not quite surprising though" said Benedict quietly, matching the level of venom in his father's tone.
Mr. Cooper leapt out of his chair knocking it backwards as he stood shaking with anger.
Very calmly, Benedict stood up, as tall as his father, giving him a cold stare, walked out of his office defiantly, got into his car and drove away.

Benedict Cooper was the son of Simon Cooper, a business tycoon famous across the globe for not just the success but also the controversies surrounding his business empire - 'The Cooper Industries'. Simon Cooper was part owner of the huge empire. The other part was owned by his only son Benedict. And this made him rich. Rich and arrogant. That usual combination.
Thanks to a legal privilege, the day Benedict turned eighteen, he'd automatically become the owner of half the Cooper property, money and business. And if he was to die before turning eighteen, the entire wealth, ALL the 'Cooper Power' would be donated to charity. Benedict's grandfather, the very respected Mr. Charles Cooper was well aware of his son's ways and had always predicted him to be an irresponsible and uncaring father and so the contract. This contract was part of the reason why Simon hated his son so much.
Benedict hated his father equally. He never had a pleasant relationship with his father. Well, pleasant was the last thing their relation could be called. And very unfortunately for Benedict, his father was the only family he had. He'd lost his mother when he was barely four. After her death, he lived with his grandfather who was a lovely man but he too passed away leaving an eleven year old Benedict with his womaniser and alcoholic of a father. Benedict despised Simon Cooper. Every time he saw him, he remembered a battered and crying picture of his mother's face with several cuts and bruises. He didn't quite remember what her face looked like without those bruises. He didn't have a lot of memories of her, and of whatever he had, quite a lot of them were dreadful.
Much unlike his father, Benedict was not a very social person. He always had girls swooning over him but he never really cared enough. Unlike his father, he was NOT a womaniser.

Unable to control his anger anymore he slammed his fist hard on the steering wheel, wanting nothing more than his mother's voice to stop ringing in his head. Ever since his encounter with the strangely captivating Sia, Benedict's mind was constantly occupied by three things - the strange old door, his mother's voice and....Sia herself. No matter how hard he tried the thoughts wouldn't go away. He was annoyed! He'd decided to spend the night at his best friend Fravashi's place.

Fravashi was a fierce, independent lady who had no boundaries when it came to her dreams. She was a destination wedding organiser and ironically hated the idea of marriage. Benedict loved spending time with her as she was a blunt and solved soul and had always stood by him as steady as a rock.
* * *
Fravashi lunged forward and hugged Benedict, "Where have you been!"
Unentangling herself from Benedict she pulled him in the house and looked at him, " Woah! Have you been sticking your head out of the window all the time? Look at yourself!" exclaimed Fravashi on seeing Benedict's dishevelled appearance.
" 'S matter Benny?" she asked as he slumped on the nearest bean bag.
"My mother", he whispered.
"SHE JUST DOESN'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" voice raising with a flaring temper, Benedict almost yelled in Fravashi's face.
Not moving an inch at Benedict's sudden outburst, she held his hand firmly and spoke as calmly as she could, "I understand miss her...and why's her birthday in a week."
"Yeah...maybe that's why I can't stop yearning for her" and trying to lighten the suddenly sombre mood he added, "And means its your birthday too. Already that time of the year again!"
"Someone's talking like they don't like it being my birthday" said Fravashi raising her brows.
"Well's a little scary for me... your birthday." said Ben in a humourous tone.
"Benny! You're so bad!" said Fravashi in mock horror.
"No but honestly Frava, you know how every year I freak out a little when it's time for the gift"
"Ha ha's not my fault you suck at choosing the right thing"
"Hey! That's rude Frava. Don't say you're not nice. I chose you after all"
Fravashi stuck her tongue out at Ben and continued talking, " what else have you been up to? I see there's something more that's troubling you."
Benedict sighed, " Its a difficult task hiding things from you."
"Tell me!" commanded Fravashi.
He narrated every word about him stumbling across Sia and the old door that seemed oddly familiar. And that nagging feeling that came with the sight of that door.
"Hmm....and you can't remember anything about that door. That's strange. But that for now is secondary. It's been a while since I've heard you talk about a girl like that! I was starting to think you were gay. Not that I have a problem with that but now since that we have Sia....I think I'm not letting you get any sleep tonight! Time for details!'
"NO! I, Benedict Cooper, have practically raised you. You are the brat that you are because of me, you ass. You owe me absolutely everything I demand!"
Both of them burst out laughing at her dominating rant. Benedict hugged her tightly.
She didn't let Benedict know but she wondered what was the mystery behind a door he'd never seen before but her thoughts were calmed and the worry on her face was replaced by a smile when she heard Benedict say,
"Thanks for being there for me all this while. What would've I done without you Fire."
He held her close, addressing her with the name he fondly gave her -Fire - she always kept him going. Kept that fire alive in him to endure another ruthless day....

Hey there...thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it.
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Thanks again.
A. Downey

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