Changing the Habit

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Everything seemed to end the same way for Terushima Yuuji; pure and utter rejection by girls that he had knocked up a few times then left alone. He never really cheated, but he could never get a relationship that lasted more than a week.

At first, he thought it was the approach he was taking; so, he told every girl at the beginning of the relationship that he was only good for sleeping around with. That didn't seem to go well and he still got dumped.

He then didn't say anything and let the girls do as they pleased. He ended up getting more girlfriends in this period and all of them lasted at least a day but no more than four. That was also a failed plan.

He would try to switch it up, postpone sex for as long as possible. This only caused the girls to get self-conscious that they weren't good enough for him to sleep with and broke up with him. That wasn't the right thing.

Another plan he had was let the girls pick him; which only ended up with him being smothered by popular girls that wanted him for sex and girls that would rather stalk than talk. This was the plan that went the quickest.

He also tried to go after smart girls, but they were still not as intelligent as him. Nerds also seemed to be off the market because he didn't want to have his popular record tainted by such people. It didn't work either.

What was he doing wrong? He was an attractive second year that was in the smartest class in school, girls should be throwing themselves at his feet. Oh wait, they already do that, well did. Everybody that threw themselves at his feet was already knocked up and sent packing.

It was sad for him, he had so many V Cards in his pocket and none of those girls stayed. Most of the girls he was with lost their virginity to him and that was the end of the story.

It wasn't until the middle of his second year that he decided to change his habits and find somebody new. He could always just beg the female volleyball captain to get together again, she was the most fun.

If this is all that he was looking for, he was surely going to get his mind changed by a simple person. Now, that puts us at this Miyagi Prefecture training camp hosted by Aoba Johsai.

"Kuribayashi-san?" A brown haired female asked, her eyes glued to a clipboard in her hands.

"Right here, Misaki-senpai," A younger brunette female squeaked from her side.

"Bobata?" The first female asked, marking something off on the clipboard.

"Here," Called a tall, messy haired male from behind her.


"Right here, ma'am," Another male replied from next to the messy brunette.


"Behind you," The ashy haired second year answered.


"No, I'm not missing," A bored looking male mumbled a little irritatedly.


"I did arrive with everybody else," A large, dark gray-haired male grumbled.


"I'm right here, Misaki-senpai!" The smallest of the men chirped happily to the manager.


The captain had not heard his last name being called for roll call and instead stared at the school around them as they walked to the gym.

"Terushima," Misaki mumbled, trying to get his attention.

Changing the Habit [Terushima Yuuji x Male! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now