And then there were four

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Hello, here I am again! This is the third story! I hope you like it.


And then they were four

"I never had a birthday party." I yelled furious. 

"Oh yeah, you had one, you just weren't invited." Bree admitted.

Her words really hurt my feelings. How could they not invite me to my own birthday party? My eyes filled with tears but I did not want my siblings to notice especially Daniel who was the new one so I ran outside without looking back. Someone called my name but I did not care anymore.

I sat on a rock looking at the ocean. It was so peaceful in contrast to my life. Why my siblings hate me so much? They always call me fun killer. Anyway, I sat there for half hour staring at a boat. The people in it seemed so happy. They were laughing and making fun of each other without any insults. I wondered what made them so excited. Then, it hit me. If Adam, Bree and Leo lived without me, they would be as happy as the people on that boat.

I stood up and faced the water. It was so shinny. I decided that if I wouldn't do it now, I would never be able to be myself again. So, I jumped. I jumped so hard that water was thrown on the land. I tried not to swim. I sank. I sank deeper. My world started to become peaceful in some minutes. After that, darkness.

Daniel's POV

I could not believe that dad told me so many lies about my identity. I was so furious with him. So angry that I left too. Like Chase. I realized, he was a very sensitive boy too. I would probably had the same reaction if my brothers and sisters planned something without me.

I exited the building to the beach. I was ready to sit on a rock when I noticed something half buried in the sand. I picked it up and figured out that it was a mobile phone and I turned it on. The background was a picture of my new family. "Chase?" I yelled. No answer came so I panicked. Where did he go? I was so worried and decided to called Adam.

"What do you want Mr. I-know-it-all?"

"Adam, it's me. Daniel. I found Chase's mobile thrown on the beach. Have you seen him lately?"

"No. Okay, where are you? We are coming."

"I am still outside."

"Okay." He said hang up quickly. For the first time since I came here, Adam seemed so panicked. I could tell that he loved Chase more than we all think.

In a matter of seconds, all my siblings were there. "Did you find Chase?" Bree asked.

"No, I did not." I replied.

"Wait a minute. You said that Chasey's mobile was here. So there are two explanations. Either he left the island or a mermaid kidnapped him and took him inside the ocean." Adam concluded.

"Adam. This is important. Wait a a minute... The ocean." Bree screamed. "Adam, you need to gorder search for him! Now!"

"The ocean is huge! He could be anywhere." My older brother complained.

"I have power replication. I can go too." I protested, touching my brother's arm. Before we fall into the sea, Bree and Leo told us to be careful.

The water was cold. I was freezing in there but I had to find my brother. Even though I did not know him, I cared. Adam and I split. I looked everywhere on the east until I saw a body on the bottom. I approached it and pulled back on the surface. My older brother saw me and followed.

"CHASE." Bree and Leo cried as I layed him on the sand. My sister ran to his side and put her head on his chest. "He is not breathing. There is no pulse." She put her hands on his chest and started CPR. "1,2,3,4,5..." Nothing happened. "1,2,3,4,5... Come on Chase. Come on! Breathe. 1,2,3,4,5..."

"Bree, let me try." Leo said as she pushed her gently away. He did the same thing. "Chase, come on. Come on." My brother started coughing and spitting water out of his mouth. Adam hugged him and told him that everything was going to be okay.

After a long time we were in Chase's room and he was asleep. The doctor said that he drank much water but now he was okay. My uncle Donald was sitting next to him and my dad was stroking his hair. "Why would he do that? He better have a reasonable explanation for this or he is grounded." Mr. Davenport said.

"Uncle Donald, leave him alone. Look at him. His skin is pale, white as sheet. Just leave him alone." I told him.

"It's our fault." Leo spitted out. "We always mock him and complain about him. If I were him, I would probably have done the same thing."

Chase's POV

I opened my eyes and noticed 6 six figures looking at me. My vision was still blurry but listening to their voices, I could tell that it was my family. I was in a big trouble after what I did. Fair enough. You do something stupid, you suffer the consequences. As soon as my vision was cleared, I smiled at them. "No, young man. You're..." Mr. Davenport started yelling but Douglas interrupted him.

"Donnie. Give the kid some space. How do you feel, Chase?"

"My lungs burn. Apart from that I am okay." I answered in a sore voice.

"If it was not for Daniel, you would be dead." Adam exclaimed.

"Thanks Daniel. And I am sorry guys. I was not thinking. I got so angry that you did not invite me to my party."

It's okay Chase. Get some rest. We will see you later." Mr. Davenport said and everyone exited the room. I fell into deep sleep.

Something woke me up. I heard voices and I opened my eyes. "What is that?" I wondered a I saw Bree holding a cake.

"Happy birthday to you ,

happy birthday to you

Happy Birthday dear Chase,

Happy Birthday to you." They all sang.

"Guys, it's not my birthday!" I said with tears in the eyes.

"Yes, but you never celebrated so here it is. Come on, blow your candles." Leo said.

I blew the candles and we all gave a big hug! Including my younger brother. I realized that I had the best family in the world.

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