Love,one of the ties of friendship(a zack fair fanfic) chapter 2

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  "i will need to go to Midgar to run the test, afterwards we should have a few answers. i also heard that the monster just disapeared in a beam of light? that could be a sign that someone used the materia to send it after her..." an unfamiliar voice had stated. i heard father, who had obviously been angry with such an insane statementm cut in." and just how the hell could someone like you make this kind of accusation?! your only a mere doctor!" the voice, probably being the doctor, had let a small sigh," sir, please. in Midgar we are trained to know signs of wounds or infections prompted by materia. and also, the monster only went for your daughter." "what about the SOLDIER then?!"father spat. "he doesn't havebad injuries such as this, only a small twist of the ankle. he was, in my opinion, a distraction to lure her over." the doctor concluded. this doctor seemed different from the  one in the village, well i couldn't see but i could hear he had a very gruff voice, and he seemed to feel triumphant in every word about this. " i must tell you, she may be infected with some kind of bacteria. as i said before, i will need to go back to Midgar to find out exactly what is wrong." " what did you say your name was?" mother asked gently. i could hear the smile of triumph in his voice,"Hollander."  "how long will it take to make to Midgar and back?"  father asked , tensed." a mere 7 days. maybe even quicker.i assure i will find out what is wrong."  with that the doctor walked out of the room.

  Father walked over to me and gently stroked my hair,"Hollander? is he even a doctor? i don't recall seeing him in the meetings...." mother intervened,"im sure he is, otherwise he wouldn't have came out here, right?" father and mother had finally given up on trying to see if he was a doctor or not, and left.  great....just great...they don't know if he's even a doctor...why do  i get my hopes up?

 the last time someone had came into my room, it had been exactly 5 hours. occasionallu mother would come into my room, grab one of my hands and break down at my bedside, " why you? of all people, why did it just happen to have been you?" she would whisper. sometimes father would even come into my room and sit at my bedside, telling me that everything would  be okay, that i was strong enough to pull through.

  after the week that the 'doctor' had spoke of, he was back once more. this time, a voice that was young yet deep had appeared in the bunch. "Please. you have the results, isnt there anything you can do to stop it?" the voice plead. "No, according to the other doctors, this is way out of our league. the only choice they are giving you is to let the bacteria run it's course or to take her back to Midgar to..." " TO DO WHAT?!  TO TAKE HER THERE AND HAVE HER  LIFE PUT ON THE EDGE FOR YOUR STUPID TESTS?! EXPERIMENTED ON? TORTURED?!  the voice had yelled, cracking every now and then."if you really think i'm gonna stand around and let that happen, your a fool!" it yelled once more. mother's light footsteps echoed through the room as she crossed to the source of the new voice."Please love, you must calm down." then Hollander cleared his through, acting as if nothing happened at all, "there is also my solution."  father took his chance ,"can we discuss this downstairs? it would be better." with that they all went downstairs, the new voice didn't though. i felt happy it didn't leave my side, it (at the moment) was the only one who was concerned about my safety."hmph, that's some doctor they called. what does he expect to do? come waltzing in this house and get your parents approval to have horrid things done to you? your hurt enough as it is...."  the voice sounded male. all too familiar as well. before he could finish, the door opened. i suddenly felt warmth all over my torso and ....arms? "what are doing?" he asked. " i need you to step aside, this will help your friend, or do you not want her to get better?" hollander asked. the arms soon unraveled from me, " just....i don't want her to be in anymore pain." he said sadly. i felt a sharp feeling go into my shoulder, a light bluish-green  light had slowly appeared in my eyes. it was like a shot of adrenline yet it wasn't. "wait...won't mako only speed up the process?"  he asked. " it should, but not to worry, it's not lethal to her right now." theres was sharp intake of breath, "right now? you mean   later on it will do something? that's it i can't take this leaving." and the click of my door opened. NO! don't leave me! they'll send me to Midgar if you leave! stay here, i don't want to be experimented on.... then it was silent.."what? what did you say?" mother asked.  i tried  to open my eyes."please....dont go...don't .....leave me.." i strained. time to wake up laina.i told myself.


 i felt another sharp pain jab into my shoulder, my eyes wearily cracked open. " oh laina , honey im so glad your awake."  mother smiled with small tears. i looked around, the other source of the voice wasn't there...oh well. i stepped of my bed and nearly screamed.  OH MY GOD! I LOOK LIKE WALKING DEAD!  as if reading my mind father spoke with a chuckle,"oh come on laina, it's not that bad." easy for you to say..look at me! i had bandages running up my legs, on my arms and hands,  a couple on my face and my eyes..gosh they looked like a violet with a honey gold in it, it was hypnotizing. " laina we are so very happy that you pulled through,do you, at all, feel different by any chance?" i was about to answer when i caught site of the 'doctor'. hollander was just as i imagined he'd be. he was big, had squinty little eyes, except for the hair, he suprised me there. " well my back does hurt, just small tingles though.." hollander got up and grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. mother and father nearly collapsed on the sight. " laina....what are these?" father asked. i looked and saw  two swirls with diamond markings in them.  how the hell am i supposed to know what they are?! i barely got two shots of mako in me.... "im not really sure, i don't remember anything about these.."   "well! laina why don't you go to the medical stand to get some new bandages eh?" mother changed the subject. i didn't argure,, i went on over to the stand, confusing overcoming me.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 01, 2012 ⏰

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Love, one of the ties of friendship.(a Zack Fair fanfic) chapter 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant