Craving Attention.

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Requested by Princessmariah

Title: Craving attention

Genre: Teen fiction.

Malory Sanders is a simple girl with a best friend that cares for her with her broken family. Chase was the only one who cared for her. But there was one problem, she was in love with Chase and unfortunately he had a girlfriend. Trying to get Chase to notice was impossible since he thought of her as only his best friend. Then something shattered her completely when she gets raped and everyone starts looking at her differently including Chase. She felt empty until she found an awakening. She craved attention.

Firstly before I'll start saying anything I FREAKING LOVE YOUR PLOT! I like the whole idea of the story. At first while I was reading the blurb I thought it was the cliché best friend love stuff and then the whole rape thing intrigued me. It's really fascinating and I'm really impressed with your creativity. Very good job👍👍

The story blurb greatly explains the story. And I really love the fact that it's not cliché at all. It's really unique.

The writing is not bad at all, just watch out for a few mistakes. Proofreading your work before you publish can help eliminate those mistakes. Auto correct can be really shitty at times.

Your names are cool seriously. I love Malory Sanders.

Once again I really like your creativity, you'll make a great writer.

Good job and keep writing. I'll definitely love to keep reading your story.


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