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     Sean opened the door to his black Cadillac and motioned for me to step in. To my surprise, the seats were made from actual leather and the interior was trimmed with waxy wood. He closed the door behind me and made his way over to the driver-side door. Sean hopped in and gave me a quick smile before speaking,

     "Interested in listening to some of my band's songs?" he seemed a little unsure, but I nodded enthusiastically. Sean's hand found its way to the knobs that cranked up the volume on his radio. A large chorus of drums, electric guitars, and a strained voice erupted in the vehicle, Sean singing along. Metal may have not been my favorite genre, but this song struck me as unique and tantalizing. Noticing that I was enjoying the loud music, Sean started bobbing his hair and tapping his fingers on the dashboard to simulate drums.

     "You're very talented!" I tried saying over the racket, but my voice was drowned out by a guitar solo. After the song ended, Sean sat back in his leather seat, obviously exhausted from jamming out so hard. He looked over at me and smiled, earning a small giggle from me. His toxic green hair was frazzled and had achieved the look of looking unkempt in mere seconds.

     "You couldn't possibly slip me some backstage passes, could you?" I said jokingly. He chuckled and responded,

     "We'll see what I can do." I stared down at my watch and realized it was already 9:15, signalling that the date would probably come to an end soon. Sean's eyes found their way to my watch, also registering how late it was.

     "I know this may sound corny and stupid, but I really wanted to ask if you had fun tonight..." even though the night's darkness was cast over Athlone, I could tell he was slightly blushing and biting his lip.

     "It was amazing," I whispered, a smile touching both of our lips. "Probably the best date I've ever had. Thank you,"

     "Y-You're welcome," he stuttered.

     "Something wrong?" I asked, noticing the poor Irishman was sweating bullets. He looked frantically around, seeming to be panicked for some reason. Sean's eyes kept finding their way to my watch, almost like he was waiting for something.

     "N-No, I'm fine, I'm just glad you had fun tonight. Truthfully I didn't k-know how a blind date would work out," he laughed nervously and focused on my eyes intently. With his glare came a sudden feeling of weakness, almost exhaustion. I rested my head back on the leather seat and blinked a few times before feeling my body freeze in position. Alarmed, I tried moving, but I felt to tired and weak. Next to me, Sean chuckled and smirked.

     "Ah, the paralytic must have finally kicked in... It took a little longer than I thought it would, but that doesn't matter now," Sean reached his tattooed arm across to the glove box and extracted a small case. He set it on his lap and clicked open the latches, revealing a syringe and a tiny plastic canteen of clear liquid. Again, I tried moving, but I didn't prevail. With a swift movement, Sean pulled out the syringe and stuck the needle into the plastic container. He ran his finger along the long the tip and chuckled.

     "Now, I would tell  you not to be alarmed, but weak minded souls like you wouldn't care for my words." Before I even knew what was happening, I felt a prick in my neck, the clear liquid entering my veins as Sean simply smiled. When all of the liquid was emptied from the syringe, he pulled it from my skin and placed it back into the case with ease. Yet another wave of exhaustion flowed over my body, just more intense. My vision slowly became blurry, now making it almost impossible to see straight.

     "Don't worry sweetheart, we'll be together in time," Sean's words then melted away with my consciousness.

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