"Nice to meet you, Mr. Santos." Michael nodded respectfully and shook the man's hand.

"Please, call me Pedro, have a sit." Pedro smiled and everyone sat at the table.

Ophelia wanted to dig herself a hole, the atmosphere was so awkward; her parents were asking the usual good ol' questions but everything was so forced. Ophelia's mother made sure to question Michael about his bright future, what he intended to do with himself and all that intelligence, Michael simply answered he wasn't sure.

"Are you kids excited for the camping weekend? Five kids alone for three days. You're lucky school's out on Monday." Pedro chuckled and raised the fork to his mouth.

"It's gonna be great." Ophelia smiled and Michael hummed as an agreement since he's mouth was full of food and it would be impolite to speak.

"Please behave, I don't need to have the police calling me to pick up my daughter because she has done some stupid things. Just imagine what the neighbours would think, Jesus-"

"Amor, they will be fine, don't worry too much." Pedro interrupted his wife before she drove herself to madness and patted her hand that was resting on the table. "But of course, behave. Not because of what the neighbours think but for your own safety. Ophelia, I am trusting you to spend nights alone with a boy who you've been hanging out a lot." Pedro spoke loudly and pointed his knife at Michael as he spoke. "For all I know you could be doing some funny business-"

"Dad!" Ophelia interrupted when her cheeks started burning.

Her mother laughed quietly and looked at her husband fondly. Michael blushed even harder than Ophelia as he kept his attention on the plate.

"I'm just sayin', watch out boy, if you hurt my little-"

"Mr-Pedro, we are not together, uh, yet." Michael stuttered over his words and Ophelia nearly awed at his nervousness.

"Calm down, kid. I won't hurt you if you don't hurt her." The stronger man chuckled at the younger's behaviour.

"You're scaring him off." Ophelia said before placing her hand on Michael's thigh to calm him down.

Michael wanted to tell her that nothing would scare him off from her but his heart was still thumping over the gaze of the older man.

The rest of the dinner was filled with a couple laughs since Pedro always managed to come up with some jokes that even got Ophelia's mom to crack a smile.

Ophelia and Michael walked to the guest room where he would stay and sat beside each other on the bed. "Wait, where are your bags for camping and all?" Her fingers ran over Michael's pale skin as she spoke and watched goosebumps appear.

"I dropped them off at Calum's before I came here." The boy explained and kept his eyes on the small fingers that were exploring his skin.

"We can't sleep together because my dad is overprotective but I'm bad girl so I'll sneak in in the middle of the night." A pretty smirk latched onto Ophelia's lips and Michael was about to tall but was interrupted by soft plump lips. The kiss didn't last long, not half as long as Michael wished. "I missed doing that, now, off to sleep! We have to be up before six tomorrow!" And just like that, Ophelia was walking out off the room; her hips swaying teasingly as the pretty girl let out a giggle knowing she had Michael wrapped around her finger.


Michael's slumber was disturbed when he felt the comfortable bed dip. The sleepy boy ignored the movement but was forced to open his eyes when a soft hand shook his shoulder.

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