NOT "Goodbye Mike."??

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Hey everyone! It's Pamela, again and I know this is stupid of me to do but I just wanted to do this so that everyone is on the same page as I am. So I created this little Updates and Current News thing so that, like I said, everyone is on the same page. So I hope this is a little more helpful.

So as everyone who reads my work may know that I have completed my Stranger Things: Eleven Edition story a few hours ago today. But for people who don't know, I wrote my own version of the series, Stranger Things, but in Eleven's P.O.V. I wrote it because Eleven doesn't have much lines in the show so I wanted to give her more character. So I thank everyone who enjoyed it and voted on it! :)

Even if I am done with Eleven Edition, I have been writing something else on the side for a while now. I have a new story coming out that is related to Stranger Things that may be coming out early September. Things aren't finalized yet so I'm just taking the time to try and make it perfect. In my eyes, I see it as an individual story, but also kind of like a sequel to Eleven Edition. Like I said, it is not finalized but I have been thinking and writing about it. I really, really hope you like the new story coming out. If there's anything wrong about it please, please, please tell me so I can make it better. Thank you so much!

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