At that time, she was ambushed by the queen's retainers as they tried to change the girl's clothes to something that fits a girl of her age, but Hachi managed to slip out and escape from them up to this day.

Hachi also tried to visit Linda, but it seems that the woman had gone back to her small village to restock for her shop. The girl was now laying on top of the capital's walls, a few guards giving her weird looks, but left the girl as they heard a few rumors of the girl, making her a little unapproachable.

"There's nothing to do...... It's so boring without Arslan and Vahriz here..." she murmured and slowly stood up. She sat down just by the edge of the wall, looking to the distance that the army had went.

War...huh? At least the war here is peaceful than where I'm from..  Hachi thought, remembering on how their enemy would just ambush them anywhere, while here, there's always time to prepare before a huge battle begins.

The girl looked up at the sky and sighed. She squinted her eyes to get a better view, but a small spot appeared and made her focus more. It moved and slowly became bigger by the second. It didn't even take her seconds to know what it was. The girl took out the arm part of her armor and held out her arm.

"Azrael.." she called and the bird landed on her arm. It cawed and the girl's eyes widened as she smelled oil. Why oil.....?  She thought and felt that the eagle's wings were slightly damp. She decided to speak up.

"Are they in danger?" She asked and Azrael flapped his wings in a frenzy then flew to the direction of Ecbatana's army camp.

Hachi quickly stood up and placed her huge sword in her scabbard. Even though she said she won't go, the girl can't help but worry.

She braced for the jump, alerting a few guards.

"Miss Hachi, is something wrong?" one asked while the girl paid no attention, then sprinted, and jumped from the walls.

"Miss Hachiman?!!"

"She jumped!!"

A few guards flocked on the place she jumped from and looked out of the walls just to be shocked to see that the girl had landed safely, no wounds on her body, and was now running in an insane speed.

A small paper fell to their sight and one caught it as he read what it said. "I'll take a little walk????" they questioned and were dumbfounded that Hachi's kind of walk was like that, if you could even call it one.


It did took the army hours to get to their destination, with horses to boot, but Hachi already covered a quarter of the distance with her inhumane speed, plus a heavy sword on her back.

Azrael flew just above the girl, managing to match her speed due to the speed that carried him as he flapped his wings.

A few minutes passed and the red head could see smoke from the distance. Her nose twitched with a smell she haven't caught in the few months since arrived here, and a large amount of it too.

"Blood. Human blood." she said and picked up her speed. Now that she was closer, she smell oil. Just with those clues, she had already known what happened the few minutes she wasn't there yet. Lusitania had ambushed Ecbatana. She concluded this since Ecbatana's army didn't carry any oil with them.

The girl took out her sword and finally arrived on the scene, surprising Ecbatana soldiers with her appearance. From their knowledge, Hachi didn't join the campaign, yet why was she here and how did she arrive in such a short time.

Their thought were cut off when they realized that enemies were arriving to their flank.
They shouted as they took out their sword, to survive. But before they could even strike a blow to the Lusitinians, a red blur passed them and the enemy fell from their horses.

Color Of Blood|Arslan Senki Fanfic|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora