Chapter 2: She's weird

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Senpai Diary

Date: August 23, 2016
Day: Tuesday

Today feels like different. When I was going home I felt a presence. I feel like someone followed me, is it maybe a stalker?? But I don't think so, since I'm not that popular to be stalked. Anyway wherever I go the presence didn't disappear. Who is following me? What does he want?? But thank god I arrive home safely, I thought that stalker will do something to me.

Date: August 24, 2016
Day: Wednesday

I got a perfect score from PE class but the girls were so noisy. They keep screaming whenever I try to do stuff. Do they hate me that much?? But again I felt that presence...... Like yesterday. I feel like someone was staring at me and when I look around who...... I found a girl staring at me...... Who is she???

Date: August 25, 2016
Day: Thursday

A girl came to me and ask something but I know that not really her real intention. I can smell her perfume and I didn't like it much, she keep giggling nonstop and she keep clingy on me. I know her intention is me, she likes me but I don't like girls like her. They are stupid girls. I wish she go away and never talk to me.

Date: August 26, 2016
Day: Friday

My friends ask me to join a mixer with them but I refuse. But I know my friends, they won't be stop by saying no so I joined. Finally I gotten out from that room, I don't like mixer that much and girls perfume are too much smells, I don't like it. I found a bookstore and I tried to find my favorite book but it's not there....... And then I feel someone staring at me and it's the same presence. It's seems like it's the same girl, what does she want from me??

Date: August 27, 2016
Day: Saturday

My friends are staying out my house, just because my house is big doesn't mean they have to go in my house. Anyway my friends really like yandere simulator. I hate that game tho but what I really hate is that my friends do so many panty shots well they are boys but I didn't like it, they even kill many girls and keep repeating "Senpai is mine!!' They are really idiots but I like hanging with them. I don't like the game cause you have kill those girls to prevent them confessing to that guy, I feel sorry for that guy not knowing anything at all.

Date: August 28, 2016
Day: Sunday

I bump the person who stare at me and stalk me. She look like a shy girl but I feel like I saw her?? Oh! Last Monday! I helped her. I tried talking to her but she was frozen, but she was blushing tho. She's kinda weird. And then the flirt girl is back and keep talking to me nonstop! *sigh* when will she stop??!

A/N: Today is senpai diary tho it's sometimes or maybe not, we don't know. Since we need to know what senpai is thinking! XD and we need his name too!! What about Yuki??? And then yandere is yuno.

And spread the hashtag!! XD
Hashtag #Noticemesenpai

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