Culinaria L'amore Chapter Eleven

Start from the beginning

"Gossip magazines. Oh and she stole my boyfriend." I muttered breezily, glaring at him as he sat on my bed.

He looked down at his watch, Rolex probably, before giving what I hoped was a sigh of surrender. "Okay, fine, Kirsten. We have thirty minutes before you have to leave. Let me tell you the story." He looked ouver at me. "But, you have to swear on your life that you won't say anything to Garrett, unless you want me to lose a life."

"A life?" I asked, lowering myself onto my bed and raising an eyebrow.

"Just trying to be melodramatic. I'm like a cat. Now if you want me to tell the story, you have to shut up and listen. Without interupting."

"Fine. Just please tell. No secrets. Just the blunt truth."

He glared at me. "You're already breaking it."

"No I'm not." I cried throwing my hands up in the air, quite strange considering the fact that I was lying on the ground.

"You just did again. Anyways here goes the story. So the Garrett you know now really isn't who he really is. Seriously. As completely unrealistic, shocking, you may find it, the dude is, or was, totally different. So this story starts probably back when he was a freshman in college, just a few years back. Well we were both attending UPenn (a.n. a great college in America) and that's where we first met. Old Garrett was one of those incredibly genuine guys who wasn't afraid to speak his opinions-"

I snorted but quickly covered my mouth when he glared at me. "He was never a player, one of those people that took relationships incredibly seriously. He had never had flings, one night stands, a quickie, you name it. Well then, he met Theresa."

Raising my hand, I gave Toben a pleading look and he sighed, gesturing for me to speak. "Are you literally insinuating that he is a player now?"

He frowned at me. "You know Kirsten, I was just about to get to that part before you interupted me with your eccentric arm waving, squeaky sounding, wacko combinations of craziness."

"Anywho, so Garrett met Teresa, another freshman who caught the attention of our dear friend. She was one of those quiet shy girls who was always afraid to speak and for some reason, Garrett liked that. They dated for probably about three years, yes just as The Bianchi Instititute really hit fame.

"Then, shockingly, Teresa cheated on him. Like not just 'I was drunk so I made out with this random guy' kind of cheating but something way worse. She cheated on him with her teacher, a balding 35 year old pedophile who charmed her somehow, probably brainwashing. Of course no one knew of this so Garrett thought it had been his fault that she had slept with a disgusting old man."

Toben cleared his voice before continuing. "So Garrett was torn, absolutely crushed. There are no words to describe his heartbreak. No way. He got drunk a lot, slept with random people he didn't know, and experimented with cigarettes. And as you realize he never got over that last addiction. He never did anything illegal. He had enough morals to not do that. Then, of course, just as Garrett was starting to rebound, Teresa confesses and says that she still loved Garrett and only cheated on him because she had been blackmailed, or some shit like that."

"The reason no one heard about this in the news was because Garrett's parents paid her and the teacher to keep their lips shut."

Suddenly the memory of the Bianchis' coming into L'amore entered my head. '"Dont worry. Garrett muttered dryly, looking at me over his menu, "if my parents can't convince your boss to talk with us, they can always pay him. It always works.'

Toben was still talking. "After that whole dramatized incident, Toben bounded from one girl to the next. Yes, you could call him a player, playboy, rake..."

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