Chapter 65

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Yn's POV

Yn: "You're such a cutie! Yes you are! Yes you are!"

I was at Angela's, playing with Mia and all I could think about was how beautiful my niece was and how I couldn't wait for my own.

She giggled as she spit bubbles.

Angela: "Making you want one yet?"

Yn: "Yes!"

They all laughed at my reaction.

Tanice: "She's such a sweetie pie too."

Yn: "I know. When are we getting some more babies in this family?"

Angela: "Actually," she trailed off causing me to look up at her.

Yn: "No! No way! Ange!"

Angela: "Yup," she laughed. "I found out last week."

Tanice, Vanessa, and I all shrieked in joy.

Vanessa: "I can't believe it!"

Tanice: "Three down, one to go," she said looking at me.

Angela: "Yes! Then we'll all be apart of team motherhood."

Yn: "You guys are something else. But there is something I never told you all."

They all looked at me.

Yn: "Alex and I had a pregnancy scare once."

Vanessa: "What?"

Yn: "Yup. Those couple of weeks before I went to the hospital the first time, I had all of the symptoms. Morning sickness, upset stomach, hunger out of this world, and all that good stuff."

Tanice: "Did he know? Before the hospital I mean."

Yn: "We both thought it but never said anything to one another about it because we didn't want it to be real."

Vanessa: "Did he want one?"

Yn: "Actually yes. He was thrilled but scared. We weren't ready mentally to have a little one running around. When my dad find out at the hospital, he was so pissed at Alex."

Angela: "Wait, so did he know that Diggy was your first?"

I just shook my head.

Vanessa: "Wow. So what happened afterwards that made him forgive Alex?"

Yn: "He never was really mad that we had sex but the simple fact that we didn't use protection and he didn't want to think about his little girl bringing a baby into the world."

We continued to talk about Ange's baby and the shower and everything for the next couple of hours. Around 4pm, Momma J, Ava and Miley joined us. Angela didn't want to tell her just yet so the baby talk had seized. As we began to prepare dinner, my phone rung. I put it on speaker and set it down.

Yn: "Hey baby."

Alex: "Hey beautiful. What are you doing?"

Yn: "About to cook. What are you doing?"

Alex: "Just got home from Jacob's. Didn't think you would still be out."

Yn: "I told you I was doing dinner here and you said you would go to mom's." I grabbed the green beans so that I could cut them and put them into the pot.

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