This is destiny, bro

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The moment I first met you, I knew it was fate.

All night we'd stay up, texting real late.

At first I thought we were meant to be buddies,

we told jokes and I would help you with your studies.

As the years passed us by, I knew we were meant to be bff's.

I ignored their vapid teasing, pretending to be deaf.

Now as I look back at our history, I feel like we were meant to be more.

You knew this before me, my other friends swore.

Apparently you hinted on more than just one occasion.

me being bad at math and love, I didn't understand the equation.

I was stupid and young and kept rejecting love.

Ignoring every sign sent to me from above.

You waited for oh so many years for me to get the hint.

Even when I was told of your feelings, to see them, I had to squint.

I guess I was scared of the future and of what could happen

So scared, our relationship began to dampen.

It's been a year since we've last spoken

and now, my heart is finally half broken.

I heard about the dirty little secret you were trying to hide from me.

Your new girlfriend? Yeah, I know about the girl you don't want me to see.

My friend told who she is and what's her name.

I'm so good, my fake smile would put The Plastics to shame.

If you weren't shot in the a-- with an arrow, you would know she wasn't worth your time.

Instead you would be chasing me, on Valentine's Day thinking up some cute rhyme.

But it's too late to grab the moment I was going to seize.

When ever I see you, all I can do is "playfully" tease.

I'll pick on you about how you have a girlfriend and that I'm really happy for you, too.

My acting must be pretty damn good if my best friends can't even tell I'm wanna cry over you.

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