My Goodbyes

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I went to my room and began packing up all my stuff. I then set a message to Mrs Wesley and Mr Wesley that they must protect Harry. I then pulled up the back of my shirt and looked in the mirror showing the dark mark. I knew that I had to get rid of it or my father would be able to track me. I pulled down my shirt and grabbed my suitcase. I then ran to find Hermione and luckily I ran into her. "Hermione I need your help." I then lifted the back of my shirt and showed her the dark mark glad that we alone. "Hermione I need you to keep me from screaming and hold me down while I burn the mark so my father can't track when I go into hiding."
"Nemissia how do you it will work." "If burning it won't work then I use all my powers I can't let my get a hold of me again." She took a deep breath and then I got down on my hands and knees and Hermione held down my legs. "Nemissia you know this could kill you."
"I'm willing to take the risk." I knew doing this would hurt my mom but I was sure she'd understand my situation. Before I started using my fire power I sent a mind message to my mother. "Mother if you really are linked to me then please bare through the pain with me and hold on I'll find you soon I promise."  I closed my eyes and breathed and began burning the dark mark off my back. I screamed in agony it was a lot more painful than I expected. As soon as the fire and pain stopped I took several deep breaths and laid myself out and tried to clam down. Hermione then got in front me and I lifted my head. "You okay Nemissia?" I breathed and nodded shedding the last of my tears. "Can... you... please... look... for me... see if it's gone." She nodded then went to look at my back. "It's not exactly gone, its more of just badly blistered and looks to be just a regular burned tattoo." I sighed in relief glad to be free of the mark. I then slowly stood up and walked to the door and Hermione followed me out. "Where are you going you're just barely getting your strength back?"
"I know but I need to have this patched up and then I need to say goodbye to everyone." I went into hospital wing and had Ms pommfrey put a lot of oimeant on my back and patch it up. I then hugged Hermione. "I'll see you when I can Hermione be safe." I then left to say goodbye to Seamus. He was in the library and I pulled aside to where we were hidden and kissed him passionately. I then pulled away and he held me in his arms as I cried. "Hey what's a matter with you? You're acting like we're never gonna see each other again." I then looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I have to go into hiding and I wanted to see you before leaving." I then buried my head in his chest. "Know that I will always love you Seamus and hopefully we will see each other again." I then kissed him again and left to say goodbye to Ron.

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