Crazy ass Dreams

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Ok who has had some crazy ass dreams huh i know i have.

So im gonna tell u some that ive had lets start off with the weird ass dream i had about these funny shaped snakes the damn motherfuckers had no eyes an was trin to attack me when i was on some date an kept showing up everywhere like all over it was freaky. They looked liked some damn alien snakes or some shit!!!!

Then i had a dream about Robert Pattinson not leaving me alone he was like a stalker so i stabbed him in the arm with a butter knife cuz he slammed me into a wall it was wow lol.

Oh another dream was where this guy kept showing up an would be in tops of tress an shit i asked him wat the hell he wanted an he kept sayin its ok ur mine ill keep u safe like come on wat the hell is up with this shit !!!!!

Oh dont get me started on the hot as hell dreams which piss me off cuz i wake up at the good parts all hot an shit.

Anyone who has seen magic mike knows that shit will give u wet dreams damn the things id do to CHANNING TATUM mmmm that man moves his body like water an silk imagine him doin that shit between ur legs ladies without clothes on lol

Ok well i want people to comment an tell me ur crazy dreams an Hot dreams so Get to it people i so wanna hear this shit for real

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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