Chapter 2

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Anneliese can not believe that she was doing this. She is currently on a date with a hyperactive, slightly perverted, awkward puppy.
Even though Julchen was a little bit annoying every now and then, Anneliese could not stop smiling.

Julchen was skipping, like an excited child, while holding Anneliese 's hand and swaying their hands. Julchen hummed a little tune that seemed very familiar to Anneliese. It suddenly hit her that Julchen was humming Ein Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart. She looks over at her astonished. Julchen did not seem like the music type to her.

"You like Classical music?" ask Anneliese.

"I usually listen to rock music," Julchen reply as she smiles, "but I am always a slut for some Mozart. Why, do you like classical music?"

Anneliese gets very excited. Her eyes lit up.

"I love classical music!" says Anneliese excitedly, "I love listening to it, playing it, learning about it, and pretty much everything about it."

Julchen was stupified by her response. She did not expect such an anthusiastic response from her.

Anneliese quickly excuses herself for her behavior and the two turn back to silence.

They walked for a couple of minutes more when they finally reached the ice cream place. It was a little shop where you would order from outside. It was painted with pastels with a little ice cream man holding the logo. There were medal benches for everyone to sit at.

They walk up to the counter to order. The lady at the counter smiles at them.

"What would you too lady's like?" says the lady.

"I'll have the toffee ice cream in a cone with sprinkles," shouts Julchen as she smiles.

The lady looked over at Anneliese.

"And what will you have?" Asks the lady.

Anneliese orders like a professional. Her order is so long and elaborate that Julchen can not follow along; all she can do is stare with awe with her mouth agape.

After she finishes, the waiter, which whom is scurrying to get the order done, calls out to the other workers to help make it.

"How the hell can you order like that?" Asks Julchen.

"I do this alot," answers Anneliese.

Julchen gets down on one knee and takes her hand. She pretends to cry.

"It's like we are meant to be," she cries out over dramatically.

All Anneliese does is out her hand to her head and sighs. The lady comes over with the two ice creams and hands it to them. They hand her the money and head over to a table. They sit down and start eating. Anneliese slowly eats hers savoring every last bite while Julchen wolfed hers down making a mess of her face. She looks up at Anneliese and smiles with ice cream in her mouth. Anneliese could not help but laugh at the obsurd gesture. They finish their ice creams while holding hands.

Julchen wiped her face clean and they headed off back home. They held hands and Anneliese rested her head on Julchen shoulder. Julchen smiles like an idiot the whole time and rests her head on hers. Anneliese can't  help but smile too as since, shrimp is happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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