The Castle

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The air got thinner as Mal and the group got higher into the mountains, Carlos was the first to reach the summit and he stops dead in his tracks.

"Woah." He gasps. Elsa and Anna were the next to reach. Elsa's eyes grew wide at what she sees. As soon as everyone else got up Mal realized what they were all stareing at.

In the middle of the valley stood a massive castle made of ice, it looked as if icicles rose out of the ground in a close proximity. The middle was the largest and at the top of that it split into two towers and a bridge connecting them. Around the castle was a spiked wall.

"OK then, guess we know where he is let's go!" Jay says marching forward, Elsa grabs his arm.

"Wait, he might not be expecting you. I ran away when my powers went out of control. If I had known anyone else with my magic. I would have expected them first." She says.

"Well I'm also family, I'm going too." Anna says.

"OK you guys just hold back. If you see a snowflake firework. You can come."

Elsa created a slide to the castle door and her and Anna slid down. As they open the gate they stop; across the entire courtyard were ice statutes, Anna walked up to the closest one.

"Hey! It looks like Rapunzel!" She exclaims.

"And this one looks Maleficent." Elsa whispers. Anna turns and walks to the next statue. When they get about halfway to the doors, the gate slams shut and half if the statues eyes start to glow blue. Elsa and Anna jump back and stand back to back. All of the statues with blue eyes start walking towards them and surround them. They soon realize that all of the living statues were the ones of villains. They hear the doors open and the statues part and form a path to the entrance. Elsa and Anna slowly walk into the castle. The doors shut behind them and they turn around to see that the first room was a long hallway with a beautiful ice staircase leading up into the main body of the castle, and pillars of spiraling ice are glowing lighting up the room.

"Mom? Aunt Anna!" They hear from the top of the stairs. They both gasp as Eli walks down the stairs, his hair completely white with pale blue highlights, almost knee high white boots with a snowflake edge, sparkling blue skinny jeans, a white and blue long sleeveed shirt, and a slightly transparent sparkly blue vest that extended into a cape behind him.

"Wow." Anna says.

"Now I know how you felt when you found me." Elsa says. Eli laughs.

"I'm sorry for my little security system." He says.

"Ya, that's wasn't cool. No pun intended." Anna says.

"I put it up in case Hannah or Chad came looking."

"We're not the only one who came looking for you." Elsa says. Elis eyes grew wide and snow started to float down around him.

"No, I can't control this. I can't see anyone other that you. Even you Aunt Anna. I don't want to hurt you." Just then a scream echo's from out side of the doors. Eli looks at the wall which had turned into a window to see what was happening. Carlos was surrounded by all of the statues but most of the ones near the front were villains.

"No. Send him out." Eli demands and all of the statues form a path to the front gate and start pushing him out.

"Eli! Stop!" Elsa demands.

"I can't risk hurting someone I love!" Eli snaps back before clapping his had over his mouth. As soon as the words left his mouth the statues crumbled into piles and Carlos looked around in confusion/shock/fear. Eli takes off running up the stairs as Carlos open the front doors. Elsa turns and looks at him.

"What are you doing?" She demands.

"I couldn't wait any longer. I need to tell Eli something that I've been holding in for months, all of my friends except Eli know this." He explains, Anna turns and looks at him.

"What?" She asks

"I'm like Eli, on the Isle being gay was wrong; which made it right, but coming over to Auradon I hid it. Not even my friends knew."

Elsa and Anna were speech less, Anna looked at Elsa and then she tried to hold back a giggle. Carlos looks at her in confusion.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Well right when those statues crumbled Eli said something interesting." Anna says.

"What?" Carlos asks, Anna looks at Elsa who places a hand on Carlos's shoulder.

"He said: I can't risk hurting someone I love."

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