"When they're married. I'm screaming!" Elizabeth giggled as she yanked on Audrey's arm in excitement.

"However many you want."

"So, hypothetically, if I said I wanted at least fourteen dogs in the future. What would you say to that? Remember, hypothetically."

"I'd say that's cool. Three seconds ago I do believe I said you can have as many dogs as you want."

Rosie stuck her tongue out in Marcie and Emma's direction. "See! Suck it, bitches. My sugar daddy loves me!"

"Damn right I do."

"You know all this talk about dogs has made me want a dog. I need to go buy a dog."

"Rosie, your dads already told you that you can't have a dog. If you bring one home, he will actually murder you," Elizabeth stated as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Don't listen to Alien Slut. If you want a dog, go buy a dog. You can keep the dog at my place."

"He's only saying all this, because he knows I'm about to buy my girlfriend a bunch of stuff and he knows he can't compete," Brooke grinned, speaking with a cocky tone of voice.

"Stop trying to steal my girlfriend!"

"lol bye," Brooke sang, dragging the 'e' out as she grabbed Rosie's phone and ended the call. She handed Rosie her phone back, an innocent smile on her lips, "I didn't do anything. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Holy fuck," a voice spoke loudly from behind the group causing them to turn. When seeing who it was, everyone, including Bernie Sanders himself, either groaned or rolled their eyes into oblivion. "Didn't realize they let animals out of their cages at the zoo. And out of all the animals they could of let out —"

"They chose you." Rosie smiled sweetly to the girl, "Hey, I have a question. How many people did you blind on the way over here?" Rosie was about to say more before she paused, placing a hand on her heart as if it were in pain. "I apologise. I'm not sure why I said that. I think I might be coming down with something. It's called bitchitis. You've got it too, right? Oh, no, wait. That's right, you just have every STD known to man, woman, and alien." Rosie stepped closer to the girl, "If you'll excuse us. We have shopping to do. I would love to stay and chat—actually, I wouldn't, because I don't like wasting my time on shit talking back and forth with someone who has the IQ of a brick wall."

"You know, I heard that you're saving yourself for marriage? Do you really think Jake is gonna hold out that long? You might want to put out or he might leave you."

"For your information, Jake is alright with waiting until marriage to have sex. Anyways, unlike you, I don't have to put out to get a boy to even consider knowing I exist." Rosie placed her hands on her hips as she sent Ashely a bored look. "Is that all or you do you have more shitty insults? Do I need to give you a moment to look at your notebook of insults for me?"

"You know what? Fuck you."

"Sorry, I'm not like you. I don't take offers."


Rosie stepped outside of the coffee shop that her and the rest of the girls were at. It was a little past eleven and they were all completely worn out. Rosie really just wanted to get back to Jakes place, so she could spend more time with him before she had to go back home. She let out a sigh as she pulled her phone out.

STUCK WITH HIM,      jake fitzgerald.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora