Devil's Child

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Sara Finminer always wanted a child, but when she went to the doctor to get impregnated the doctor told her she couldn't have any children due to an injury she received some years ago. At the age 32 Sara couldn't believe it. The thing she wanted more than anything else in this world was a baby and now looking up at the doctor who just informed her that she couldn't have children crushed her. The walk home was hard, she thought she would be pregnant by now. To get away from the main street and from seeing anyone with a child, pregnant, or just people, Sara cut through the alleyways home. As she neared home, and bright full moon to help her find her way home, she heard a group of guys behind gathering up. Sara continued walking, praying that they'll leave her alone.

 "Why lookie here boys." 

One of the boys said grabbing her from behind.

"Looks like we got us a Flower."

All the boys laughed and looked her up and down. One of the boy's eyes didn't look right but it was probably the light.

"Please let me go, i...i don't feel well."

"Ooh sounds like we need to do some pleasing to make our Flower feel better." 

Said the boy who had a hold  of her and breathed in her scent. 

"What do you say Flower?"

"Please just let me go."

"Aw, but if we let you go then we can't make you happy sweetie."

He said running his hand down her torso.

"Please my husband is at home waiting for me."

"You know what Hon? You say please to much, and husband can wait, you got us." 

The lead boy pushed her to the ground and ripped at her clothes. While the other boys was either holding her down or hooting and hollering. One minute later she had been completely exposed, and the one who did it was now pulling down his pants to expose only his penis. With one grab of her hips he slammed into her and continued over and over again. Her cries and please meant nothing, these boys wouldn't stop or let go. Until the boy on top of her came, he didn't even use a condom. All the boys yelled and cheered with him. Pleased to see that one of them got her. As the boys left Sara to weep alone and to grab her ripped clothes and sulk her way home. As she got to her house, Sara locked her doors and windows, then dragged herself upstairs to take a shower, but she knew that she could never wash away what happened. After a few months her belly was protruding, and her period was delayed for four months, and Sara knew she was pregnant and assumed it was God's baby even though she wasn't a virgin. Four months later, eight months into her pregnancy, she was walking to the doctor when her water broke. The ambulance rushed her to the hospital where she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named John Finminer, After she said that the father was dead and she wanted his last name to be her last name and his first name after her late father. Sara was prepared to take care of this baby. After John's first birthday he started to become a little devil than angel. He had a stuffed dragon in his crib when he went to sleep, the next morning, when Sara walked into the nursery the dragon's head was torn from the body and she found it covered in milk across the room. Was the milk suppose to be a substitute for blood? After two weeks of this Sara started to worry she took John to the doctor to have him looked at, and the doctor told her that he was a healthy, normal, baby boy and that he was just going threw a phase. That night Sara fell asleep happy to know her son was alright. But that soon changed when she woke to a noise and seeing John crawling on the ceiling and twisting his head around to look at her. Before she could let out a scream John  jumped from the ceiling and decapitated her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2012 ⏰

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