Chapter 18- Court Date part 1

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Court Date

Ashley's pov

I awoke to the sunlight seeping through the window and gracing Sodas features, I'm not gonna say this just cause he's my husband but with good lighting he looks like Greek God. I got up out oh bed and walked into Noah and Ana's room, they were sound asleep. If only that was what they were doing at 3:00 in the morning today! Next I walked into Sam's room and she was awake standing up in her crib. I picked her up and carried her downstairs with me. I grabbed some fruit and some Cheerios and put her in her "high chair". I began cutting the fruit into tiny little bite size pieces and set then on her tray and she downed 'em like nobodies business. It was hard looking at Sam and knowing that if this hearing doesn't work in our favor I might not see her again.

"Oh Sam I hope this goes as planned and we get to keep ya here," I said then she threw her hands up in the air and squeeled.

"If only I could be as optimistic as you," I said glumly.

"Aww come on Ash it's gonna work out, it always does." Soda said while coming down the stairs with Noah and Ana.

"You know what Sam you're just like your daddy," I said bopping her on the nose. She smiled and went back to eating her fruit and Cheerios.

"Well apparently I'm not her daddy, and I don't wanna meet the real guy." Soda said while grabbing a Coke outa the ice-box after setting Noah and Ana in there bassinet.

"She still takes after you cause you've been with her since birth,"

"True, I just hope everything will go smooth and there won't be no jostling around." Soda said trying to pop the top off of his Coke.

"Yea, you wanna make some breakfast Soda?"

"Why me?" he asked while still struggling to get the top off.

"Cause I don't want to today,"

"Well I'm kinda busy right now leave me a message at the beep, BEEEEEEPPPP!!!!!!!"

"Here let me help you," I said grabbing the Coke from him and popping the top off with no problems what so ever.

"How?" he said taking the bottle and staring at it in shock.

"You gotta have the magic touch," I said flashing him a smile and walking towards the stairs.

"Where ya going?"

"I gotta go get ready for the court hearing, have fun." I said waving then sprinting up the stairs leaving him with Noah, Ana, and Sam.

Sodas pov

Oh great, how am I gonna get Noah and Ana fed while making breakfast for myself, on top of that I've got Sam. I guess I'll just feed Noah and Ana first then feed myself. I grabbed two bottles and poured some formula and water in 'em then mixed it together and popped it in the microwave. I went over to Noah and Ana's bassinet and picked them out.

"So guys you gotta work with me here, I'm gonna try and feed ya at the same time again. I don't know if I can do it though," I said looking down at Noah and Ana. I'm talking to babies, I'm talking to two babies, I need to get a life. I grabbed the bottles and out one in each of there mouths and attempted to prop them under my chin, but failed miserably. The bottles fell to the floor and milk went everywhere.

"Well that didn't work out to well huh," Ashley said standing in the door frame and laughing at me.

"Yea yea, you gonna help me out?" I said while grabbing a towel.

"Yea I'll take Ana," she said while walking over to me, her heels clicking on the linoleum floor.

"You look nice," I said whole handing Ana over to her.

"Thanks, you on the other hand not so much." she chuckled as she bent down and grabbed the bottles.

"Very funny," I bent down and started cleaning up the milk that was all over the floor.

"Yea it really is,"

"Oh you think it's so funny huh?" I said getting a cup and filling it with water.

"Soda no," she said while bolting up and backing away.

"You still think its funny?" I taunted.

She shook her head and backed up till she got to the wall and Ash was helpless.

"Soda don't you dare,"

"Oh and why should I not?"

"I have Ana in my arms,"

I took Ana in my other arm and set her in her bassinet along with Noah and walked back over to her.

"You're free now,"

I poured the water on her head and she squealed at the cold water falling down her shirt.

"Oh you're gonna get it now," she said while taking her heels off and running after me.

"Can't get me if ya can't catch me," I teased as I ran all around the house trying to escape the wrath of Ashley. I ran upstairs and got in our bedroom closet, I waited a few minutes and I heard no foot steps. I creaked the door open ever so slightly and I couldn't see Ashley so I opened it fully and slowly walked out. I creeped down the hallway and still no sign of her, I mean come on she shoulda known I went upstairs. Suddenly she popped out from the bathroom and squirted whip cream at me, right on my head.

"Oh that was a good one," I said while getting some whip cream from my head.

"I know it was," she responded squirting some in her mouth.

"You want some more?" I asked while smearing it over her face.

It was a full out war now, she squirted whip cream on my shirt and made a smiley face before busting down the stairs.

"Get back here," I yelled down the stairs as I took 'em two at a time.

"No, not gonna happen." she yelled to me as I made it to the floor. I couldn't see her anywhere I looked in the kitchen and the family room, then I saw the coat closet door squeak open. I walked over there careful to not let the floor squeak and opened the door, she wasn't in there. I turned around and Ash was right behind me with whip cream still and now a cherry.

"And a cherry to top it off," she said while reapplying whip cream to my head and placing a cherry on the top.


"Yea, now go get a shower, I'll feed these guys we got the court hearing in a couple hours."

"Fine, but you just know that next time I'm getting you, and I'm getting you good."

"Ok," she said disbelievingly as she turned to Noah and Ana in there bassinet.

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