Chapter Twelve: Talk

Start from the beginning

"You can have more than one crush," Louis suggested and I really wanted to grab one of my pillow and make him eat it

"I don't like Harry," I shook my head. "He's my friend. Besides. . . he—" I quickly cut myself off. I was not going to tell Louis that Harry likes someone else. Although, there really isn't any harm in telling him but it would just feel wrong to me. Harry told me because he trusted me with his feelings and I was not going to intentionally break that trust.

Besides, he knows I like Elliot and who knows what Harry would do

He could blackmail me to do. . . well anything

Although, I do have limitations on what I would do 

"We're friends. That's it."

Louis looked at me for a long a moment. He seemed to be contemplating what I said to him. It wasn't like I didn't know why he would want to bring something like this up. Obviously Harry is attractive, the whole school knows that, and he's smart, nice, and kind. He's everything a girl or boy would want to see in their partners, it wasn't hard to understand. 

But Harry and I have only a month or so of being friends. The thing that bonded us together was his ability to mind-read. Thankfully it's not something we need to worry about and usually people would be freaking out over a talent like his but I'm not. It's not hurting Harry or anyone for that matter and Harry is responsible about it so it's not something to be upset over. 

I wonder who else knows his secret

I'm 100% positive Liam and Louis don't know

Maybe I'm the only one who knows besides his family

"So if he were to date someone, you wouldn't mind at all?" Louis' question cuts through my thoughts and I switch my attention to him again. 

"No," I said almost automatically. Louis nods and looks away to think about it. I frown at myself as I start thinking if I would really be okay with Harry dating someone. It would, first of all, have to be someone nice. Harry can't be with anyone that can potentially hurt him intentionally. It would, second of all, have to be someone I can get along with because there is no way I'm letting Harry turn into one of those people who cut off all their friends and basically their social life only for their partner.

I didn't propose to him just to get pushed away

And if he doesn't want me around then he can suck it up because he accepted the flower I stole

"If you say so," Louis finally said with a simple shrug. It was easy to note that he had a lot more to say but I decided to leave it at there because I knew that if I made him spill everything he wanted to say about Harry and I, I would just make it worse by saying something stupid.

"It's my turn to ask you something now. Did Elliot say anything after that thing that happened?"

He gave me a glance before he started smiling hard, refraining from laughing. I groaned and put my head in my hands. I had made a complete fool of myself in front of Elliot and now I had to avoid him and I couldn't even look at him without thinking of what happened.

I really do need to find a new crush now. 

That guy from Spanish isn't so bad.

"Don't beat yourself over it," Louis' voice shook a bit from laughter. "He did ask me about you but I doubt he took your remark seriously."

He. . . what

"He asked about me?" I lifted my head up to look at Louis with a surprised expression. A rush of excitement ran through my body but it then it turned into worry.

"Yeah. He was just wondering if your name was Niall and he also said he knows you because of, well, Harry," Louis was back at playing with the red ball. He was calm about to whole thing knowing well enough that I was probably on the verge of screaming. 

"I—" My phone cut me off from continuing my sentence and I rolled over to my nightstand, picking the phone up and catching a glimpse of Harry's name on the screen. 

That's definitely not scary

Can he see the future now or what?

I sat up and answered the call, bringing the phone near my ear as I waited for it to connect properly. "Hey, what's up?"

"Are you at your house?" Harry asked.

"No I'm in your closet."

Louis stopped what he was doing to look up at me with a cheeky smile.

I hate him

"Time to come out of there, don't you think?" Harry teased. I hate him too.

"I am at home. What do ya need?"  

"I wanted to ask if you could give me a ride to get my car. It was being repaired and it's almost done but I don't want to take the bus. Would you please drive me?" Harry said. It was so weird being asked first because Louis would usually just call me up to tell to get dressed and get my keys because he wanted to go out.

They're still my only friends

"Is it alright if Louis and I come pick you up? He's kind of here at the moment," I asked as I looked over at Louis who started crawling towards me. 

Go away

"Yeah. No problem," Harry replied.

"Hi Harry," Louis yelled into my ear and I pushed him off my bed. I turned the phone on speaker as Harry replied with a hello. Louis was on the floor, giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay, we're coming to get you. You better be ready when we get there," I stood up and put on my shoes. Louis already had his shoes on so he just got up and walked out the door. I followed after him a few minutes after. 

"What if he used his car as a excuse to see you," Louis commented when we were in his car. I sighed. This was going to be an exhausting trip. 

"Just drive."


I have more trouble writing the author's notes than the actual story because I'm so boring I have nothing to say, haha


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