Introduction and Rules

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Hello, Akira is the name.
So this is my second shop XD, I decided to close the first one because it is getting unorganized and crowded(?).

Graphics that posted here mainly will be created using Photoshop CS6. But, I'll sometimes use Pixlr/GIMP for simple graphics because it is just easier to use them XD.

For my works examples, you can scroll through "Dark Portfolio", it is where I post my best graphic so far.

My specialty is in dark themed manipulated graphic and simple manips. Requested other than that means that you are ready to take the risk. (Letting you know that I'm not good with making Teen Fic style cover, but I will still accept your request if I think I am able to make it).

And, I only do realistic cover. I can't do an Anime style. And I'm sucks with Vector and Collage *cries*. 

So that's all for the rambling.


1. DO NOT request a graphic in this book if you have requested in other book(s). It is disrespectful either for me and the other designer(s).

2. If you are requesting a cover, your book must be published. At least 5 chapters, exclude the copyright, character chap, and author's note. You can count the prologue, though.

3. I will accept your request if only the form is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Other than that, well... I am not a literature genius, so you know.

4. Fill out the form IN THE FORM CHAPTER. DO NOT SEND ME A PM.

5. If you want a premade, you can comment in the chapter where the premade is. Other than that, I won't accept it.

6. To make sure you have read the rules, please include one of Divergent faction in your form. By the way, I'm a divergent(?). So oot, leh.

7. If you have fill out the form and I haven't reply it, it means that you haven't yet accepted. After I accept it, I will tell you when will the cover is up. Usually it took 3-4 days, but it depends though. Sometimes, you will just need to wait a couple hours, but I also can take a week. So yeah.

8. I will post the preview of your custom graphic here. And if you decide to use it, I'll provide you a dropbox link. (I can't use imgur because my internet provider blocked the access).

9. I accept re-do(s). As long as you asked for it nicely.

10. I will requests a payment where the graphic is posted. Usually a credit and a follow.

11. For cover, you have to use it at least  4 weeks. For icon and header, 2 weeks.

12. That's all. Thank you for reading it carefully XD

If you have any further questions, kindly drop a comment bellow, I'll answer it as soon as possible.

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