The Fight

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Your heart pounded in your chest as you stared at the demon that towered over you. When you received this assignment you had no intention of harming anyone, but now it seemed that violence would be inevitable. Closing your eyes, you pressed your hands together and began to pray. "Father, please grant me the strength to-"

"Praying for strength.." Claude said, "How pathetic and weak."

"My strength comes from my Master." You replied, looking back at the demon. "I can do nothing without Him, just as you can do nothing without your master."

Claude shook his head. "I rely on no one for my strength."

Sebastian stepped forward and waved his arm in the air. "Enough idle talk. It is time to settle this matter." His eyes flickered from Claude to your (e/c) eyes. "Before we fight tell me who you are. I want to know the name of the angel I will defeat."

"(F/N)(L/N), humble servant to The Creator."

The demon put his hand to his chest and bowed. "It is a pleasure, (f/n)." He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a silver kitchen knife. "Shall we begin?"

"Whenever you're ready, demon."

Sebastian smiled at you wickedly. He was certain that you had already lost the battle, but you were ready to prove him wrong. "I'll wipe that smug grin off of your face." You said through clenched teeth. Closing your eyes once again, you took a deep breath. "I did not want to have to do this but you leave me no choice."

The demon's eyes flickered with curiosity before you opened your mouth and released an ear piercing angelic cry. The manor trembled around you and windows began to shatter, paintings and books plummeting to the floor as the walls crumbled. You knew the entire manor would be destroyed within mere seconds if the screaming continued, but you had no desire to bring any further destruction.

Your mission here was a peaceful one and that is how you wanted it to stay. There would be no more blood spilled than necessary if you could help it.

Sebastian and Claude fell to their knees as blood poured from their ears and noses. You grinned at their helplessness and leaped to the other side of the room. Perhaps this fight would be easier than you thought.

You stopped screaming and everything in the manor became still.

"Surrender now, demons." You demanded as you drew the silver dagger that had been securely strapped to your thigh. It was a weapon you carried for only the most dire of emergencies. "Allow me to be on my way and no further harm will come to you." You stroked the side of the dagger with your index finger. "Should you refuse I will have no choice but to destroy everything in my path."

Sebastian was the first to remove his hands from his ears. He stood to his feet and used the handkerchief in his pocket to wipe away the blood that trailed down his face. "Resorting to your angelic cry, I see.." He grinned. "...and here I was hoping that you would play fair."

He took a step towards you and you raised the dagger. "And I suppose you think two against one is fighting fair?"

Claude arose from the floor and dusted his suit off. "Surely you did not expect us to stand idly by while you warped the minds of our masters." He pushed his glasses up with a finger. "Allowing you to retreat would be unacceptable."

You tightened your grip around the dagger and shook your head. "Pathetic creatures. You would throw away your lives for such nasty humans?" You closed your eyes and grinned. "If this is how it must be then allow me to liberate you from your meaningless existences!"

You lunged forward with the dagger in your hand, ready to stab Claude in the eye, but you fell short. The demon easily ducked under the attack and before you could even register the dodge there was a sharp pain in your side. You looked down and saw your white gown soaked in crimson blood.

"Is that the best you can do?" Claude asked, pulling the blade from your side. "How disappointing."

"" You ran forward and swung the dagger again, this time slicing his cheek.

The demon smiled and wiped the blood from his face. "That's more like it. Give me everything you've got!"

"Arrogant fool!" You hissed, raising your dagger in the air again to slice him again.

But Sebastian grabbed your wrist before you had the chance. He smiled and wrapped his free hand around your throat, pulling you into his chest. You shuddered as his warm breath tickled your ear. "You really are very naughty for an angel. You seem much more suited to be a demon."

"How dare you! I would never forsake The Creator!" You gritted your teeth and stomped on his foot with all your might, but the demon did not so much as flinch. So you threw your hand back and hit him where it hurt. The demon groaned and released you, giving you the opportunity to lunge away from him.

Drawing your blade once again, you held it in front of you. "Give up!"

"My, my....that was a dirty trick." Claude chuckled as he gazed at his incapacitated companion. "If I didn't know any better I would say you were enjoying yourself."

"Silence!" You demanded, "I will not be taunted by such filth!"

"Filth? My dear, you have not yet begun to see filth." Claude pulled a two golden knives from his pocket and threw them at you, each one of them landing in your stomach. The dagger fell from your hands as the overwhelming pain brought you to your knees. You wheezed with discomfort as you removed the blades from yourself, more blood drenching your gown.

"You will pay for this..."

You reached for your dagger but Sebastian kicked it out of your reach. You tried to stand up and the demon kicked you back down to the ground.

His eyes shifted to Claude. "Time to finish this..."

You shut your eyes as he raised his blade in the air. So this was how you were to die? At the hands of a demon? You pressed your hands together and said, "Forgive me, my Lord, I...I wasn't strong enough."

Sebastian chuckled humorlessly, ready to finish you, when Claude raised a hand in the air. "Hold on a second, Michaelis.."

"What is it?" Sebastian asked, irritation dripping from his voice.

Claude grabbed your arms and hoisted you off of the ground. "I think killing her would be letting her off far too easy." The grin on his face sent shivers down your spine. "There are other ways of punishing a meddling angel."


AN:  Uh-oh!  Looks like reader-chan is in trouble.  Will she be able to get out of this mess?  You have to read to find out ;)

Defiled SebastianxAngel!ReaderxClaude  [Contains Smut!]Where stories live. Discover now