I was crying. He came over, and I pushed his hand away. "Baeley, please. At least listen to me... I did blame you, I did. She went out to find you when you didn't tell us where you went. When neither of you came home, Caleb went out and didn't come back for hours. I got the call and I hated you, I really did. You thought at 16 that you were a grown up, that you could just go places without telling us. You don't understand, honey, that you... You cried so hard. I couldn't even comfort you, because I didn't know how... Caleb thought that if you'd have just called and said where you were, she wouldn't've gone out looking and she'd still be alive. Baeley, honey, i'm so sorry... I love you, and whether you love me back or not is okay. I was wrong to blame you. I'm part of the reason for those scars on your arms and legs, aren't I?" tears were streaming from both of our eyes.

At first, I didn't know what to do or what to say. Then I said; "Yes. Yes, you are. Caleb is too. I couldn't live with the fact that the only family I had left hated me, hated me for something that wasn't my fault..."

He took me into his arms then, and we cried together. "I'm so sorry baby girl... You don't deserve that at all. Austin... he really changed you."

All I could do was cry, and when I finally stopped I felt better. I had a dad again. I may not have a brother, but I had my dad back.

"Go. Kayden is probably wondering where you are. Here." he handed me a hundred dollar bill.

"I have money..." I said, wiping the tears away.

"I know, but here." he shoved it into my hand and I took it.

"Thanks." I didn't know what to say. This didn't mean we were "good" again. But it did change how I felt.

"I'll call if i'm coming home. Otherwise, i'm at Kayden's." I learned that no matter how long I was gone or where I was going to be, I had to tell him.

I left, but I didn't pull out of my driveway right away. I sat at the wheel thinking, and was pulled back into reality when my phone rang.

"I'm leaving now. Sorry, something came up." I said to Kayden, starting my Camaro.

When I pulled into her driveway, she ran out of her house and flopped into the passenger seat.

"Were you crying? Is it Austin?" she asked immediately.

I shook my head. "No, it wasn't Austin. i'll explain later. I just want to shop."

When we got to the mall twenty minutes later, the first place we went to was Rue 21; Kayden had to check her schedule for the following week. I was looking at shorts when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi, uhm, are you Baeley Carson?" a voice asked.

I grinned; "Yes, I am."

"Oh my god, I'm a huge Mahomie and I just want you to know that you and Austin are so cute! You're so pretty! I dyed my hair trying to get it to look like yours!"

I blushed at the compliments."Aww, thank you, Austin would love to hear that! And aww stop it, you're beautiful! And I'd say you did a pretty good job, except my hair is just really long!" I have long, brunette hair that's curly but its the kind of the curls you'd get from curling your hair. It's a blessing and a curse.

"Austin is such a good singer! I love him so much! And when I met him last year me called me pretty! Oh my god I can't believe it's you. Do you follow Mahomies on twitter because if so will you please follow me I love you!" she was barely breathing.

I hugged her, laughing. "Yes I follow Mahomies! How about you write your user on my arm and i'll follow you later?"

I handed her a Sharpie and she carefully wrote on my arm. "Thank you so much oh my gosh! Can I take a picture with you please?" she held out her phone.

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