They both glanced up at me and then turned back to their conversation. Then they did a double take.

"Ummm what are you doing?" Michelle asked angrily.

'Ummm................sorry..........I'll leave........." I said nervously, as I turned to leave the room.

"No! Not that!" I heard Christie's impatient voice.

I turned back around, with a very confused face.

"Your hair!!!! It's up! IN A PONYTAIL!!!!!!!!!!!" Michelle cried out in disgust and disbelief.

"Umm yeaaa Last time I checked" I replied still unsure.

"Ugghh! Bella for a smart girl, you sure are acting dumb!" Christie snapped at me.

I gave her a glare.

"Look, I have no idea what you two are talking about! Just get to the damn point already!!!!" I said, exasperated.

Christie looked at me in surprise

"You cuss?" she asked me.

I rolled my eyes

"I am not such a goody good two shoes you know.................." I started

"Psh!" Michelle scoffed

"She only cusses at certain times." she finished matter-of-factly

"Wee-eel if you wanna put it that way." I said

"Just take your hair out of your ponytail!" Michele commanded.

"No! I am hot!" I pouted.

"Ya sure are" Christie commented, looking me up and down.

I blushed.

"No! I meant-arrgh whatever bye!" I said flouncing out of the room.

Yes, I flounced it sounded like a better to way sound lady-like or something.

I went down the stairs to the massive marble kitchen. The marble was kinda dingy and there were many stains on the wall. There one when we blew up the blender, there's the one where we blew up the toaster, there's the one where we blew up the syrup(long story). Aaaah good times. They sure blew us away. I chuckled at my lame joke, then I rummaged as quietly as I could through the refrigerator for something to snack on.

"AHA!" someone yelled.

“AAAH!” I shouted in surprise, as I jumped back.

“oh” a little boy quietly said, frowning.

“Hey, little guy” I began softly

“What’s your name?” I asked him, kneeling down.

“Batman” he said bluntly.

I straightened back in confusion as he started making airplane noises while humming the theme song to star wars. Then, in a flash he zipped out of the room.

 So much for that.

"LUNCH!!" Johanna yelled.

I heard a thundering of footsteps on the stairs and and suddenyl there was yelling and shouting and laughing. I quickly made my way to the dining room. For such a large space, there seemed to be no area to move. People were crowding around everything, from hoarding buns to dining utensils. I slipped past the crowd and carefully, and cautiously I grabbed a plate, fork and a spoon. I could always grab a napkin later. The first meal together would always be a burger. Don't ask me why, but that has been one of our many, many wierd traditions. It didn't matter if the first meal was breakfast, dinner or lunch. All the same, it was burgers.

Of course, we got to make our own burgers. Johanna used her delicious cooking skills to make all sorts of things to put in the hamburger buns. There were two large plates stacked with hamburger buns and the rest of the dishes were in neat rows of two. There was, lettuce, tomato, cheese(all kinds organized by type in the same bowl), meats(all kinds in seperate bowls), pasta salads, all kinds of vegetables and then there were 3 side dishes:mac and cheese, fries, salad. At the end of the long table were condiments. I picked up two hamburger buns and added lettuce, tomato, american cheese, pasta salad, a bunch of vegetables, chicken and some very light mayonnaise. Just like how I always made it. Every single year.  There was a tiny portion of mac and cheese and some fries and salad. I took my filled plate over to the seat near the window. My seat near the window. The others started to fill in the seats, Christie to my right, Michelle to her right. Jason to my left, Nick in front of me. Just like how we sat every year. Yet, it felt so different. We all dug in and the silence was deafening. The only sounds you could hear were the satisfied low grumbles from our stomachs.

Finally, Johanna cleared her throat and spoke up

"It's amazing that once again, we will spend another summer together. I hope this summer will be a unforgetful one." She looked at my mom and smiled sadly.

"Anyhoo Kids.............." she started seriously looking at us

"Try to have fun" she finished gently.

All of a sudden, everyone started talking and laughing. But of course us teenagers had betetr things to do than Every year we always planned what we would do for the summer, while the adults got caught up with the events in one another's lives.  I always helped plan, even though I never really went on any of the special places Michelle, Christy and the boys went on.

"So, guess what Bella?" Michelle squealed.

I frowned.

"What?" I asked unsure.

"You'll get to come with us this year!!" Christy finished.

My jaw dropped and a wide grin broke on my face.

"We meet in our room after lunch" Michelle whispered.

I nodded and turned around as Jason caught my eye. He smirked at me as I almost lost myself in his mesmerizing green eyes. I couldn't help noticing how his blonde hair fell just right above his angular jaw. And his cheekbones were so prominent, that I just couldn't help wanting to stroke it. Wait-what am I saying! Jason's my friend, almost best friend even. I couldn't like him.

Breathe, Bella, Breathe. Calm down, it was just an accident.

I sure hoped.


ok I am soooo sorry, it took so long to upload. But school and life at home has been SOOOOOOO CRAZYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Sooo here's another chapter. Working on chapter four of this story and Riding The Waves.

Uploading Plan:

1) Summer That Changed Everything: Chapter 4 

 2) Not The Real One: Chapter 3, 4

3) Riding The Waves: Chapter 4

4) Mysterious Truth- gonna finish it halfway

Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!! :)

 p.s. slideshow to the right -------------------------------------->

The Summer That Changed EverythingWhere stories live. Discover now