chapter 2

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After splitting with boys Vespera took out her phone and delayed number. He waited till someone would pick the phone until she heard Pastor Jim's voice

"Hello Pastor Jim. How is it going?" she asked smiling

"Vespera! It's lovely to hear your voice. I am doing fine, no real missions around here and enjoying my calm life. I missed you my child" he said with a happy voice

"I just finished the work I had. Met Winchester boys and you know... They are kinda handsome." she heard Pastor Jim chuckling into the phone

"Yeah those boys took all the best traits from they parents. So what are you going to do now, Alice?" he asked

"hm...." she thought "I think I will give you a visit. I should be there in a day"

She heard another chuckle from Pastor Jim

"Okay, child. Just try not to break to many speed limits and rules as you always do"

"I can't promise that!" she said before hanging phone.

Few hours later

Blue Earth, Minnesota

After long hours of driving only to stop for food and gas Vespera finally reached church. She spent almost all time in Minnesota helping Pastor Jim with researches on demons and other supernatural beasts. Even though Vespera knew a lot, but Murphy book collection was always the best. That's why she only left on small hunts around Minnesota so she would go back and read some more. She already started filling her second notebook when she heard Pastor Jim voice.

"Alice I think it's time to take some break and go for a walk with me" he said smiling from a doorway.

Vespera just lifted her eyes rising eyebrow "you just want me to do some kind of annoying work for you. Sorting documents or talking with another depressed woman about her dead dog"

Pastor Jim just chuckled and started to leave knowing that Vespera will follow him no matter how much she protests and complains. But this time he indeed wanted to a break and go out with her. They spend a good day talking about everything they saw, readied or heard. But no hunter has a easy and quiet time. Next morning while enjoying normal daily meal and reading newspaper Pastor Jim almost choked on his tea making Vespera stare at him

"Daniel Elkins dead" he said

"What happened? How did he die?" she asked interested. Even though she knew not a lot about Elkins, but he was a good man.

"Someone broke into his house and killed him. First they thought it was some kind of bear attack, but now they found a signs of robbery. Someone really wanted him dead. Let his soul find peace in heaven" he said grimly.

"No matter what you will say. I think this fate awaits for every hunter who stays in business" said young woman finishing her breakfast.

She felt her phone vibrating in jacket pocket. Taking it she saw unknown number, but still answered


"Hi sis" she heard familiar woman voice.

"Bela. What a nice surprise. What's up?" she asked slightly startled by a call

"You hurt me sister. You think I won't call you from time to time" she said in a mock hurt

"Is that your new number?" she asked changing subject

"Would you answer if I called from mine?" asked Bela already knowing answer

"No. I would not" answered Vespera truthfully. "Where are you now?"

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