Part 6: Awkward situation

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It was 8pm and getting dark outside. You and the Joker sat in his bedroom, chatting a bit before getting ready for the party. "So, do ya drink?" the Joker asked as he pulled out some drawers trying to choose a shirt to wear. "Uh.. Occasionally, mostly for celebrations like birthdays" you responded. "Oh, so you're not the type to party hard every week, eh?" the Joker asked, laughing a little. You laughed "Not really, no" "You're missin' out~" he said playfully as he pulled out a shirt and looked at it. "Ah! This will be perfect" he said as he put the shirt on the bed. He walked over to his wardrobe and opened the doors, flicking through the clothes hung up inside. "Mr.J? What exactly am I going to wear? I don't have any fancy clothes or anything" you asked curiously. "Don't you worry, puddin', I've got just the thing" Puddin'? How strange, you thought. The Joker pulled out the perfect outfit for himself and laid it on the bed. "Now, before I get dressed, let me put a little make-up on you" he said, walking over to you and picking up a make-up kit from the locker. You don't normally wear that much make-up, if at all, but you guessed he wanted you to match him as much as possible. "Sure" you responded. He spent 10 minutes applying make-up on you, red lipstick, some eye-liner, he also drew a little something on your cheek, but you didn't know what it was just yet.The Joker searched through some drawers and pulled out some clothes. "Here ya go, get dressed" he said as he handed them to you. You weren't sure whether to leave the room or not, but considering you noticed the Joker changing in the room, you decided to do that too. You noticed him glancing over at you once your clothes were off which made you rush to put the clothes on quicker, feeling embarrassed. 

The Joker wore a purple tuxedo, he looked very handsome in it and very fancy for him, you thought. You felt a little blush come on. He grinned and posed for you "Like what ya see, eh?". You nodded yes feeling your face going red. "And. Look. At. You." he said, sounding very pleased as he walked towards you. Looking in the mirror, you were wearing a cute frilly top and some very short shorts with some tights, you also noticed he drew a little heart on your cheek. The Joker couldn't keep his eyes off you. "Ah... yes.." he said in a whisper "you look.... perfect" he bit his lip. You felt quite embarrassed wearing this and you really didn't want go out there looking the way you did, but it was what the Joker wanted and you knew you couldn't say no. There was silence for a moment and he leaned in to you, putting his hand on your cheek and using his thumb to rub the cut on your face that as healed quite a bit by now. "[Your name]... do you.. love me..?" he Joker asked looking into your eyes. His face was very serious. You hesitated to say anything, something made you want to say yes. Your heart pounded in your chest. You didn't really know how you felt about him, but your heart fluttered at the sight of him. You couldn't help yourself and quickly uttered a 'yes'. The Joker put on a sly grin. "[name] would you.. do anything for me?" he asked in a whisper leaning in closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face. You paused for a second, but uttered another 'yes'. "Anything?" he asked again. "Yes." you sounded eager and your heart beat faster and faster. "Then kiss me, puddin'" he demanded quickly and you both locked lips. Kissing each other softly,  the Joker unwillingly let out a moan or two. As you both pushed and pulled your lips apart gently, the Joker attempted to stick his tongue inside. You giggled and tried to pull away but he moved forward again and bit your lip gently. He soon let go and looked a little out of breath. "......we should get going.." he says suddenly. "yeah, that's a good idea" you respond.

The party was taking place at an isolated warehouse and you drove there with the Joker in one of his fancy cars. It was about 9pm when you arrived and you admitted you were a little nervous. This was the first time you left the Joker's home in 2 weeks and it will also be the first time you've spoken to anyone but the joker in over a week. The Joker escorted you inside. You noticed that although the outside looks like a run-down warehouse, the inside looked like a very fancy club, perhaps to make it less suspicious despite mostly criminals attending. You held onto the Joker's hand, feeling a little intimidated by all the familiar faces you've seen before on Gotham News. They were all criminals, hit-men and mob bosses. You clutched to the Joker's arm, knowing that you are probably safest with him. A couple of men whistled at you, probably because of what you were wearing, though the Joker gave them a dirty look and they backed off. You found a comfy seating area in the corner of the room, it was much quieter than the main hall. Once you both sat down, one of the Joker's goons came over "Can I get you both anything?" he asked. "A glass of red wine for me. Do you want anything, [name]?" the Joker asked and looked at you. "Um, a glass of [your favourite drink], please" you responded. The goon nodded and walked away to get the drinks. The Joker held your hand "So, what do ya think? Impressive place huh?" he asks. You nodded "it's pretty cool". 

A deep voice approached you suddenly "Aye, Mr. Clown, how's it goin'?" a dark skinned man walked up to the table. "This yours?" he asked, pointing to you. "Yes, they're my hostage from a couple weeks ago" the joker responded. You felt uncomfortable and moved closer to the Joker, hugging his arm a little. "Oh right right! The hostage. Bein' a little generous bringing 'em out to party, eh?" he asked curiously. "They're mine, I can do whatever I want with 'em. Even if that means spoiling them as much as I want" he said, looking a little annoyed. The goon came back to the table and placed your drinks next to you. "Thank you" you said nicely. He gave you a smile. The Joker said nothing, and took a gulp of wine. "Aye buddy, wanna get me a whisky?" the dark man asked, tapping the goons shoulder. The goon turned around "uh.." he said and glanced at the Joker. The joker gave him a glare that reads 'Don't give him fucking anything' and shook his head no. The goon looked back at the man. "Sorry.. uh, I just work for the Joker" he said. The man stood up and cracked his knuckles "What makes this clown so special, huh? Come work for me. Your job starts now, get me a drink" he demands. "Listen buddy, the Joker pays me to do th-" the goon is suddenly interrupted by a punch in the face and he falls to the floor. The Joker looks over, but doesn't seem to care. The goon gets up, with a hand covering his now bruised eye. "R-Right away sir" he says with an anxious tone and runs off to get the drink. The man slowly sits back down and you stare at him with wide eyes. "Now where were we...." he continues. You got the vibe that the Joker did not like this guy very much, and you didn't really know what to do. "Hmmm..." he ponders and folds his arms. "Y'know? Your partner here is lookin' a lot like Harley Quinn" he says, nodding at you. The Joker starts looking a little awkward, and drinks his wine quite fast. "I don't know what you're talking about" he responds. You noticed the Joker's leg bounce up and down quite fast and he started fiddling with his gloves. "Huh.." you said quietly, a little confused by that statement. "Yeah.. they look just like Harley Quinn, the hair, outfit n' all" the man says, and turns around to yell at someone else "Aye Johnny! C'mere a sec!". Another buff man walks over. The Joker starts looking partially annoyed, partially anxious. "Don't the clowns partner here look just like Harley Quinn" he says again, pointing at you. "yeah man! Haha! What's this, Joker?  ya playin' dress up with your hostage? Are ya missing your girlfriend that much that you gotta play pretend with someone else?" he laughs and smacks the man's shoulder playfully. "Alright time to go" the Joker says quickly. He grabs your arm and brushes past the two men who are laughing and making fun of him. The joker takes you upstairs and leads you into a quiet bedroom. You thought it was strange having random bedrooms in a place like this, but maybe you shouldn't be surprised. The Joker locks the door behind you and kicks the wall in frustration, leaving a small dent. 

Joker x Reader: Hostage SituationWhere stories live. Discover now