Starting Off Fresh (SSohPkc x Reader) ssohpkc fan fiction

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~Your P.O.V~

"I'm sorry!...I just need some time to think" I say as I pack my bags.

"This is ridicuolous! But I can't hold you back. Just call whenever you can, you know I worry about you" My aunt was standing in the middle of my doorway with her arms crossed. I didn't want to live here anymore. I need some space to breathe. After what happened with Tony, I just need to start off fresh, to visit my bestfriend in Colorado. Yes, I know Colorado is a long ways from where I live but I need to get my mind of things.

"I will, don't worry. Tell my parents I love them, and that I will return... some day" tears started streaming down my cheeks. My chest started ache, I felt so crappy at that moment.

"You should get going, your sister is waiting for you outside" Aunt Joy hugs me holding back her tears. I nod and wipe my own tears.

"I love you Auntie".

"I love you too".

I step out the front door, one bag in each hand. Leaving my home behind. I put my bags in the trunk of my sister's car and slid into the passanger seat.

"I can't believe you're actually going to do this" muttered my sister Eve as she pulled out of the driveway.

"Look I know you're pissed off but it's my decision. Plus, my friend has been begging me to visit her for months now" I replied.

"The main reason you're doing this is because of Tony! Why the hell do you have to move just because of him?!" Eve was starting to shout. I remained utterly silent. "I told you he wasn't right for you since day one" mumbled Eve.

"You were right okay" I mumbled back. "Plus, It's only a little while until I clear my mind off things, alright" I knew she was mad at me for leaving, but it had to be done.

"Just call me if you can, okay? Keep in touch, I'm not going to lose my sister to that monster anytime soon. Also try not to get into any trouble" Eve began to calm down and accept the fact that I wasn't going to change my mind.


We finally arrived at the airport. I took my bags and hugged my sister for the last time before I left. I carried my bags and boarded the plane. I found my seat and tried to relax, tried not to think about what had happened a few weeks ago. I slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When I woke up I was still on the plane. I wondered how long I was asleep for. My phone was in my bag and I was just too lazy to reach up and grab it. All of a sudden I heard a man yelp "Oh god!". I quickly turned around along with a few other people who heard as well.

I saw a blondish man sitting a few rows down from where I was. He had on headphones and a laptop in his lap. Huh, he must've been playing some game. He looked familiar though. I gazed at him, trying to remember where I've seen him from. He looked up and our eyes met, I quickly looked away breaking eye contact, my cheeks flashing red. He had the most adorable blue eyes I've ever seen. I still don't know where I've seen him from.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finally my plane landed in Colorado. I grabbed my bags and headed out of the airport. I found my friend Angela waiting for me. "Oh my god, It's been decades since I've last seen you!" cried Angela hugging me tightly, causing me to drop my bags.

"It's only been - six months!" I said gasping for air. She grabbed my bags and threw them in the back seat. "So hows Eve?" she asked as we got into her car and turned onto the road.

"Meh, she's fine" I said staring out the window at passing cars. My head spun from watching so many cars speed back and forth.

"Is she mad?" Angela raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but It's my decision anyways".

We arrived at Angela's apartment after a few minutes."Welcome to my loveley abode!" She heaved sarcastically as we entered the apartment. "Make yourself at home".

"Before I drop my bags on my feet, may I ask where my room is?" I said, my hands starting to hurt.

"You can find it on your own" she said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Fine" I grumbled. Sure enough I found my room. I unpacked my things and put on my pjs since it was late anyways. I climbed into bed and tried to sleep. But it was hard. I kept thinkng about him! Somehow I managed to fall asleep.

~~~~ Flashback (Dreaming): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tony told me that he was going out bowling with his friends. He said it was a 'guy's night out'. I told him I won't be home until a lot later because I was visiting a friend an hour away from where we live. He said that's great so I won't be home alone. I went to go get a latte then called my friend to see if she was free. She said she had felt sick and didn't want to get me sick as well. Since I had no plans anymore I decided to go home and play some games.

I unlocked the door and went to my room to undress into something comortable.
Then I saw them.
Tony was in bed with her. My enemy. The one who has always taunted me. There were clothes strewn all over the place.
They were doing it... in MY bed! I stood there unoticed as he kissed her and moaned.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" I yelled, ready to swing at them at any moment.

" (Y/n)! I thought you were coming late today!" Tony said covering up with my blanket. His eyes wide with shock. I looked at (e/n) to see her smug face.

" And I thought you were bowling on 'GUYS NIGHT OUT'!!" my face started turning red, my hands balled into tight fists. I grabbed a vase that was on a shelf nearby and threw it at them, watching as it shattered on the wall. They dodged it, falling to the floor, revealing that they were indeed naked.

I stormed out of the room as fast as I could. I threw open the front door and climbed into my vehicle. I drove and drove until I calmed down some. I parked my car in a mall parking lot and turned it off. I started crying so hard, each sob racked the sides of my body. My chest felt like it was going to explode. It was like my heart was torn right down the middle. I can't believe this! THAT ASSHOLE! WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DONT?! I punched my steering wheel. I leaned my seat back and continued crying.

"(Y/n) WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!" someone was shaking me violently.

"Wha-" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes as I sat up.

"Dude you scared me! I could hear you sobbing in your sleep all the way from my room!" Angela said, a concerned look on her face. "Look I already know what it's about, I know you got hurt alot but you need to forget about Tony!"

"He was in bed with that tramp! He was cheating on me with her! I loved him with all my heart and he betrayed me! Now I hate him so much!!" Angela hugged me until I calmed down a bit.

"He's a cheating bastard and I hope he gets what he deserves. But you can't let that jerk hold you back from living your life and finding someone better! Leave him in the past! He can't hurt you now, okay?" Angela got up and headed for the door. "Maybe you should listen to some music until you fall asleep tonight" Angela closed the door and went to her own room. I put my headphones in and drifted of to sleep once again.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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Starting Off Fresh (SSohPkc x Reader) ssohpkc fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora