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It was a chilly night. Bright stars shined against the indigo sky, and a full moon lit up the entire forest, highlighting the dark green needles of the pine trees. A gentle breeze swept through the forest.

Meanwhile, frogs croaked, crickets sang. The river flowed quietly as its waters reflected back the bright moon and stars in the sky.

While the forest may have been at peace, a small wolf pack sat in a clearing underneath the stars, anxiety filling their thoughts. They were a new wolf pack that had recently split off from others, and while they hoped their pack would thrive, the other packs lurking nearby brought terror at every corner.

In addition, the nights were becoming chillier, and the leaves were becoming colder. Winter would soon be upon the pack, and there was no guarantee they'd make it through the long winter ahead.

The alpha male was a strong wolf with a dark gray pelt and deep brown eyes. He kept his eyes gazing at the stars, hoping for a bright future.

A sleek white wolf approached, her amber eyes reflecting back the twinkling stars.

"I have spoken to our ancestors of the past," she spoke quietly to the alpha.

He turned, a bit frightened that she had approached so quietly, then let his shoulders relax as she sat down next to them.

"They have visited you in your dreams?" he asked.

"Yes," she confirmed. "And through the river's rushing current and the twinkling lights of the stars."

"What did they say? What hope do we have?" he asked.

"They have heard our cries for help," the she-wolf explained. "And they mourn for us and take pity on us."

"But they won't send help?" he wondered.

"They will send help, but not in the way we expect. I have a feeling that this winter will be hard, but I believe it will strengthen us. They predict new wolves will come soon, spring will bring pups, and eventually, the pack will grow."

"This all sounds rather good," the alpha thought. "What is unexpected about that?"

"They say they will send help, but they also say this pack will be special."

"How so?"

"Many, many moons from now, after we have passed on, and our children, and our children's children, this pack will still stand. But one day, this pack will be home to an unusual type of wolf," she explained.

"And what type of wolf would that be?" the alpha asked once more, though he was pleased to know that the pack would prosper for a long time.

"This pack will one day be the home to dogs."

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 1: The EscapeWhere stories live. Discover now