Signs as 5SOS Quotes (dirty things XD)

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Aries: "Here's a cup of calm the fuck down" -Michael Clifford

Taurus: "You be iceberg, and I go down" -Michael Clifford'

Gemini: "Eating ass isn't a hobby it's a lifestyle" -Calum Hood

Cancer: "Everyone says I'm a lot taller than the other members in the band but I'm just not" -Luke Hemmings

Leo: "Luke is passed out next to a bowl of nachos and he's half naked" -Michael Clifford

Virgo: "Tonight, Here, you're safe. You'll all be okay. It's just us four boys with you" -Ashton Irwin

Libra: "Make music, not war. THEN make love. Then maybe make some pancakes" -Michael Clifford

Scorpio: "Kinda need to pee but not bad enough to get out of bed" -Michael Clifford

Sagittarius: "I can't relax in the shower because I don't know when the bands going to walk in" -Ashton Irwin

Capricorn: "Bang me like you bang your drums" - a fan "That's too rough!" -Ashton Irwin

Aquarius: "I heard I had like two children and I was like 'oops'."-Ashton Irwin

Pisces: "This is all we wanted to do, ever.." -Luke Hemmings

lol XDDD

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