"What a journey," Juris says, and we all look at each other.

"Can you believe this is actually real? We were being tested, but that whole test was a lie and there was a whole other test that we were in and didn't know about and-"

"It's over, whatever it was." Aira cuts me off.

"We're still trapped." Paytah says, looking around at the glass dome.

"You don't think they would actually..you know, you don't think they-"

Would kill us?

I want to tell Aira the truth so badly, but I'm tired of being the bad guy. Thankfully Paytah isn't afraid, sometimes I can't believe how straight up he can be.

"There are people who want us all killed. More than half it seems like." He says simply.

"There's a ton of people watching us right now," Juris points to the crowd of people outside the dome, "maybe they will realize we aren't, you know, bad."

"Hanson is on our side." Aira says. "Maybe he can convince people-"

"Hanson is a dick." Paytah says, and it makes me laugh. Aira doesn't seem too amused.

"He's our only hope-"

"I still don't trust him." Paytah says, and I can't help but agree. Hanson is the one who captured us in the first place, it might take a while to forgive. And for some reason I have a feeling that Paytah rarely forgives.

"Paytah, this isn't something that us four can just fix, this is bigger then we are." Aira says, and I look at her, surprised. Aira sounds..well, mad almost. Irritated. It's strange, but Paytah doesn't notice at all, and I think that's the funniest part.

"It's always been us against everyone else," he says, "always has been, always will be."

"No, we have other elements with us-"

Now Paytah is mad, but I'm not surprised when he blurts out with a stern voice. "We don't. Sure, they are in the same situation," he points out to the people outside the dome, "but those people out there are watching us four. We will be the reason if these elements get to live or not. Once again, it's all on us. Once again, it's us against everyone else."

"Why are you afraid to ask for help?" Aira asks, and I see Paytah flinch a little. I remember back when I just caught Paytah from fainting. He was embarrassed, he didn't want me to notice he was scared. He was looking at something, but it was probably someone. A person.

"Hey," I say, "let's just forget about it-"

"What's the problem? What are you not telling us?" Aira asks, and I see Paytah take a step back.

Aira doesn't know. She doesn't know she's hurting Paytah right now. She doesn't know what he's been through. She doesn't know that he almost fainted a little while ago.

"Aira." Juris says. He must sense something wrong too.

"Are you scared to admit that maybe...that maybe you were weak for a while? T-that you needed someone to help you?" Aira says, and I know she hit him in a hard spot.

"Shut up," Paytah says, but his eyes start to water. He glances up.

And that's when he freezes.

I quick turn, just in time to see what he was looking at, probably back at the cafeteria too.

His mother.

Paytah stumbles back and trips, right over somebody's feet. He jumps on him right away, holding him down.

A guard.

And that's when I feel someone bringing me to my feet and pulling my hands behind my back.

Paytah was right. It's us against the world.

The real world this time.



So, another chapter!!!

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