Harleen suddenly realized how close their faces were. Her lips were inches from his. She could've sworn that he was leaning in too.

"Oh, it's nothing, doll," he clarified for her and she slowly sat back down in her seat. "Just a couple of guards playing rough."

Harleen frowned. "That's not right. They should pay for their actions."

"They will pay, but I need your help."

"Yes, anything. I mean, sure." Harleen blurted quickly, smiling. She rearranged her glasses on her nose.

"I need a machine gun." He said quietly. Part of him wasn't sure if she would actually get it for him.

Harleen hesitated. "A- a machine gun?"

He nodded at her, a smile tugging at his lips.

"You aren't going to kill anyone, are you?" She asked innocently.

"What has the world ever done for you, Harley? It's never given you a chance. You'll never come first, especially in this hell hole. Dr. Arkham may seem like he likes you, but you'll always come second to Dr. Larson." He hadn't realized how spiteful and angry that sounded.

Until he saw the look on her face. Her mouth slightly agape, and behind her glasses tears threatened to spill.

She stood up quickly causing a screeching nose to sound from her chair running against the concrete floor. She glanced at him one last time before she disappeared out if the room.

The Joker wanted to scream in frustration. She was the last part of the puzzle. He had his men ready to go, but she was a crucial part of the plan. She was supposed to get him out of his cell. Then, he could handle the rest from there. And now she was gone, because of him.

He slammed his forehead against the table and sighed loudly. He sat there for a while wondering what to do. He squirmed in his straight jacket, wishing they could at least take that off.

He heard the door open and quickly shut. He didn't bother to look up. It was probably just the guards taking him back to his room.

"M-Mistah J?" A quiet voice asked.

His head shot up to see Harleen awkwardly holding a gun in her hands. He noted the keys dangling from her white doctor's coat. He had no idea how she was able to get his keys and a gun, but he didn't stop to think about it. He stood from his chair and smiled at her.

"Oh Harley," he started. "I knew I could trust you."

She smiled, slightly unsure of herself. She set the gun on the table next to her notes and took the keys out of her pocket. He turned to the side and she unlocked his jacket. He quickly ripped it off. His smile grew more.

Harleen blushed when she saw that he was shirtless underneath his old jacket. She could see all of his tattoos and toned abs.

Joker picked up the gun in his hands. "You just shouldn't have trusted me."

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I've gotta get my boys ready, doll." He laughed before he left her in the room all by herself.

After shooting every guard he could, and calling his boys, he started making rounds around the asylum, checking for anything useful before he left. He had completely forgot about Harley, until he heard her scream. Her scream sent his stomach doing flips.

He entered a large room with tables and wires. He spotted her and growled. Two of his goons were overpowering her and throwing her on a table. She struggled and thrashed around, but her attempts were fruitless. They tightened the straps on her, sealing her fate.

The Joker grabbed one of his men that got a little too close to her. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him to the ground.

"What are you gonna do?" Her shaking voice asked. "Are you gonna kill me, Mr. J?"

He looked into her eyes, her wide, frightened, innocent eyes. He saw what she was beneath her strong professional doctor facade; he saw her scared and bullied true self. He saw her broken soul, and he knew he could fix it.

"Oh I'm not gonna kill ya." The Joker said as he snapped a belt and put it in her mouth. He grabbed to shocking cords and held them above her head. "I'm just gonna hurt you. Really, really bad."

He shoved the cords against her temples and she screamed in pain. She bit down on the belt as tears streamed down her face. He continued to shock her until she passed out.

His stomach filled with dread. He tossed the wires aside and pulled the belt out of her mouth. He bent over and put his ear to her plump lips. He waited to hear her breath. Finally, he heard it. It was faint and struggled, but it was there.

He looked down at her. He noticed that the perfectly- applied mascara now ran down her chat and stained the underneath of her eyes. He realized how much he could've done there. He could shoot her in the head, or slice her throat, or put his hand over her mouth to stop her breathing. Hell, he even could've raped her. But he didn't. He didn't do any of those. Instead he turned back to his goons.

"Alright, boys," he said. "Let's get outta here."


"J," a dark voice said from behind the Joker.

Joker turned his head sideways acknowledging his henchmen.

"We've found her."

Joker turned fully. The man had his full attention now. "Where is she?"

"She's in the same prison, Belle Reve. They have her locked up even tighter. It's a suicide mission. You should just find a new woman." The bald man said. He stuttered on his words.

"I'm not going to leave her there. Besides, those are the best missions." The Joker laughed loudly.

He found his Harley.

Psychotic Love (JokerxHarleyQuinn)Where stories live. Discover now