Happy anneversiary, not p.2

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"I tried! Ive tried to call you almost every day and you only picked up once!" He exclaimed. He had a point, I always declined whenever he did call.

He added. "Just please, let me see her. I don't even know her name."

I sighed knowing I might regret this. "Come in."

"Thank you." A smile replaced his frown as he stepped into my home.

I began to walk into my kitchen with Shawn behind me, and stopped in my tracks when we reached the kitchen.

"Stay here and come in the kitchen when I say so." I whispered and he nodded.

Shawn's PoV. (ooo, different)

"Amelia, sweetie. Come here." I heard Kylie's beautiful voice through the door. God I've missed her. I didn't mean to hurt her like I did.

The truth is I only slept with someone else because I was stressed at work and it was the only way to help. It meant nothing, I felt nothing for the girl I was sleeping with. I truly meant it when I said I loved Kylie, I always have. Ever since we bumped into each other at a café and she accidentally spilt her coffee down my t-shirt.

"I have someone I want you to meet, Shawn." Kylie called out my name, signalling for me come in. I finally get to meet our daughter.

I slowly walked into the kitchen, Kylie was crouching down next to our little girl. She was wearing a pink tutu, with a pretty turquoise top. She was beautiful, and looked just like her mother.

"Shawn, this is Amelia. Amelia, this is your daddy." Kylie spoke softly. Amelia looked at me for a second before smiling and ran over to me.

"This is my daddy?" She said, looking at over at Kylie innocently. She just nodded her head.

I crouched down to her height, smiling. "Hey beautiful."

"Daddy." She squealed excitedly and wrapped her little arms around my neck. I picked her up and squeezed her tightly, being careful not to hurt her.

I felt my eyes beginning to water, I had been waiting for this moment for 3 long years.

I opened my eyes and looked at Kylie, to see her smiling at me and Amelia. My two beautiful girls.

Kylie's PoV

I had let Shawn stay over for the day so he could spend time with Amelia. I couldn't get the thought of seeing her so happy to see him out of my head.

"Ahhh!" I heard her squeal from inside the living room, followed by a giggle. I smiled to myself and wondered over to were the sound was coming from.

I saw Amelia on the floor, with Shawn sitting next to her and was tickling her. He let out a laugh whenever Amelia giggled. It was so cute to watch.

I had totally forgot about everything Shawn had done for a while, just seeing them two get along so well made me smile.

Time went on and it was almost time for Emily's bed time. I looked over to where she was sitting and her eyes began to close from tiredness. "Hey Shawn, would you mind putting Amelia to bed? She looks warn out."

"Not at all." He smiled at me before walking over to Amelia and picked her up. "Come on hun, lets get you to bed."

She frowned and rested her little head on Shawn's shoulder as he walked up the stairs. I waited a few minutes before making my way up the stairs and into her room.

"Goodnight, daddy. I love you." She mumbled gently closing her eyes.

"Goodnight baby. I love you too." Shawn whispered stroking her cheek with his fingers until she had fallen asleep.

He stood up and smiled when he saw me leaning against the door frame. We both exited her pink coloured room and closed the door.

"Thank you, for today. She truly is an amazing little girl." He said once we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"It's fine, and she is." I smiled. "You know, you did well today for saying you two only met today. She really likes you."

"Yeah, I'm so happy you finally let me see her. I'm so grateful." He mumbled staring at my intensely and took a step closer.

"Shawn, w-what are you doing?" I asked nervously and took a step back.

"I want to prove to you I can be a better husband than I was back then. I was young and stupid, but I've changed. I want to prove to you and Amelia that I can be the best father to her, even if I haven't always been here from day one." He whispered. I could see honesty flood in his eyes, but if he wanted me back, it would take some time.

I truly believed he has changed, but I was still hurt from what he did. "Shawn, I understand. But you realise it will take some time for me to fully forgive you after what you put me through." I sighed and played with my fingers.

"I can wait." He mumbled taking ahold of both my hands. I didn't even realise how close we were until I felt his hot breath fan my face.

I looked up and we quickly made eye contact. He still had that shimmer in them like when we first met. His gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips, until he took another step forward closing the gap between us and placed his soft lips against mine.

Maybe I could learn to love him again.

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