My first gift

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It was August 9th, 2012, My first birthday party. I looked at the six red and white striped candles. I watched as the wax inched down the bottom of the candle. My parents never really liked birthday parties. I always pleaded if I could just have one party.
They always would say "too much money dear, maybe next year." Six long years without a birthday party, without recognizing that I'm getting older. All those years just wishing I would get one, just one birthday party. After years of my parents not even knowing their own daughters age. This year it was different.

I woke up to the smell of cinnamon. I turned my head to the window, the sun stinging my eyes. Like a slug I slowly moved off my bed. My feet clobbered to the floor. I looked on my calendar.
"Thursday August 9, 2012" I read.
"Oh great my birthday" I moaned and sighed. I lazily opened the door. I yawned as I stretched my arms to the sky. I dragged myself outside and drunkenly walked towards the living room. Our house is small cause I am an only child. There are three rooms upstairs and a basement. The living room has a big, blue, three seated couch in the middle facing a flat screen TV. My dad uses that for "work" when all he does us watch his pointless games of football. There were extra plump black seats just in case for guests. The wall is painted in cream white. In my opinion I would have a more outstanding color, maybe red even blue. I walked by the kitchen and dining room peering inside looking around for my parents. I didn't see my parents anywhere upstairs.
I shouted "Mom,
anybody?!" There was a silent pause. Mom's familiar voice came from the basement
"Aubrey come downstairs, me and your father have a surprise for you." I opened my eyes with despair. My parents mostly only call me by my name when I'm in trouble. My legs trembled as every wooden striped stair squealed for mercy as I quietly stepped on them. My feet gently landed on the cotton rug floor. My dad and my mom were standing behind a long table covered with a blue cloth. I squinted my eyes and looked at the shadows of funny shaped squares. In unison my Mom and Dad shouted
"SURprise!" My Dad dramatically jerked the blue cloth off the table. I gasped and my eyes opened with amazement. Tears flowed to my eyes.
"OH..M-MY..GOSH" I stammered and exclaimed. On the table there was a big cake covered with white icing on the top and on the sides. There were small, white and red strips of icing laced together on the sides. My Dad grabbed the lighter. Him and my mom started singing at the top of their lungs....
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR AUBREY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU." My dad lit the six candles and told me to blow. I glared at the fluorescent orange flame. I inhaled all the air I could intake. With all my strength I blew and extinguished the flames.
"Thank you, but what happened all the other years. Why this year" I questioned.
"Me and your dad finally decided to throw you one cause we know you have been wishing for one. So we decided to gather money and get you cake and this.." My mom paused and reached under the table. She pulled out a medium sized rectangular shaped gift box. The gift box was nicely wrapped in red with a nice gold colored bow on top. She placed it softly in my palms. It had a light weight. I ripped the wrapping off the gift . I lifted up the top off a white thin rectangular box. Inside was lined with plastic and bubble wrap. In the middle was a beautiful golden magic lamp. Its shape and design was so beautiful and intricate.
"Is this real" I questioned. My mom shrugged and said.

"Probably not. You can't really believe that if you rub on it it will grant you a wish. She laughed. Me and your father just bought this beauty from a random store." In my small hands I picked it up and carefully held the magic lamp.
"I wish it did grant wishes." I whispered. I squinted at the lamp and saw a small flicker. It glowed in the sunlight. I cautiously set it back in the box.
"Well thanks Mom and Dad."I said with a smile on my face.
" Your welcome." They cheerfully said. I joyfully skipped up the striped wooden stairs. With every step the stair squealed with joy, making a more pleasant sound. I gleefully walked all the way back to my room. I glanced around my room for the perfect place to put the magic lamp. I picked the magic lamp up and set it on my brown dresser. I walked over to my red chair and watched as the magic lamp glistened in the sunlight. I smiled, closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

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