
14 1 1

I find myself surrounded in a crimson liquid.
Knife in my hand.
I can't believe it. Must be a dream.
But it feels so real, I can feel the liquid stain my clothes.
My jeans, my shirt, my socks, all tainted red.
I can hear the screaming, the sirens, the crying.
All being drowned out by laughter.
Is that my voice? No, can't be.
I get up and I can feel my smile.
Why? Why? I'm horrified!
It's like I'm being possessed or controlled.
Like a toy.
I look at the bodies around me.
Friends, foes, and all I'm between.
Police too. Dear god, what have I done?
I turn to see some SWAT teams.
The knife in my hand falls, clinking against the concrete ground.
I run into the forest.
Weaving in and out of trees.
I can't control myself.
I can't surrender.
A SWAT officer pops out from behind a tree.
Wake up.

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