Chapter 9 - Rejection? 🔸

Start from the beginning

Ok that's weird, he never wants to talk to me normally. We only fight talk if that makes sense.

"Umm... Okay?" I say unsurely.

"Um, I, Arron Cole, rej- re- rejec- Ugh! I can't do this!" He yelled and stormed off.

I was left stunned. I had a lot of mixed feelings gnawing at me. I felt confused, sad, but most of all hurt. The only thing is, I didn't know why. I felt on the verge of tears as I stood, frozen.

"Hey what's wrong?" asked Kat as she walked over to me, Zander following behind her.

"I'm going to go talk to him," Sydney told me.

"I need to go," I choked out, some tears already coming out.

I ran to the bathroom. I heard Zander and Kat call behind me but I just wanted to be alone and curl into a ball. People just looked at me weird as they saw me crying and running towards the bathroom. I quickly went into the bathroom, the door slamming behind me. Luckily, the restroom was empty, I didn't want to have to deal with other people. I locked myself in a stall and finally let the tears come out freely.

I heard the bathroom door open and heard Kat ask, "Daph?"

I sniffled giving my location away.

"Daph, what happened?" She asked.

I didn't answer because I was too busy crying even harder now. It was like my voice had been snatched from my throat and all I could do was cry.

"Can-can you please come out?" Kat asked in a soft voice.

I opened the stall and her face softened as she saw me. I probably looked horrible. Puffy eyes and red nose. She came over and gave me a tight hug. She cooed me nice words and hugged me trying to calm me down. I felt like a little kid like this but, it worked. It took a while until I finally calmed down.

After I fully calmed down, she said, "your telling me later missy."

I gave her a small smile and nodded my head. We walked out of the bathroom and I was instantly ingulfed with a hug from Zander. He had a look of relief on his face. I gave him a small smile as well.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I answered him truthfully, looking at the ground.

I honestly didn't know why I was crying, I just felt hurt when Arron started saying that. I don't even know what he was going to say. I was then hugged by Sydney. I guess she came back from talking to... I felt a tear slip out of my eye.

"Hey hey, no more tears. Why don't we all ditch today and go have some fun?" She suggested.

They all nodded.

"But-" I tried to say but was cut off.

"Nope! No buts, now let's go!" She said pulling my hand.

We got in the car and left. To where? I don't know, they wouldn't tell me no matter how many times I asked.

Arron's POV

I finally spotted Kingston talking with my sister. I went up to her and tapped her shoulder. I felt electricity shoot up my arm.

It didn't surprise me since that is what happened when you touch your mate. Pleasurable tingles that just kept you wanting more and more. What stunned me the most was the closeness of her. No! No no no! Stop thinking like that.

She turned around and looked at me.

"Umm... I need to tell you something," I said awkwardly.

"Umm... Okay?" She said

"Um, I, Arron Cole," Am I really going to do this? "rej- re- rejec-" No you can't do this! Yes you can! No! "Ugh I can't do this!" I yell giving up and walking away.

'Why did you almost reject her?! She is our mate!' Blake yelled at me.

'I-I don't know I just-'

'No! You can't just reject her!' He shouted angrily.

'You hurt mate! I can feel her that she's sad right now. Because of you!' He said even more mad.

'I-I' I stuttered, I was confused and at a loss.

"What the hell was that back there?!" I heard my sister yell from behind.

Luckily, everyone was already in class so no one would hear our conversation.

"Where you going to reject her? She is your mate? Why didn't you tell me?!" She bombarded with questions.

"Well I barely found out yesterday. And yes? No? I don't know if I was going to reject her," I said confusedly, looking everywhere but her.

"Well you better not! She's not just some toy you can throw away if you don't like it you know." she said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah I know that. Dad is making me stay with her,"  I told her. 

I cringed. That sounded bad.  She just gave me a glare and walked away. I went to class afterwards hoping that it will help distract me. It didn't.

Daphne's POV

My friends took me to Adventure Land. It's a place where there are many rides like roller coasters, Ferris wheels, bumper carts, etc.

Over all, I had an awesome day apart from before. I realized just how much I actually needed this day off.

"Thank you guys, I really needed this," I told them.

They gave me full on smiles and said your welcome. They were obviously proud and happy that their plan worked.

They took me home after wards but, they ended up staying over at my house for a sleepover. Yes, Zander too.

I got ready for bed and we all laid down in the living room. We talked for a while until we had to go to sleep since we still had school tomorrow.

Thankfully, they didn't ask me why I was crying before and I was very thankful. I just didn't want to talk about it today. Right now I was feeling very lucky to have friends like them.

Arron's POV

I got home from school and went to my office. I had thought about Daphne all day. I couldn't get her out of my head. And to top my problems, my wolf hadn't spoken to me since our argument. Great. 

I did some work, or I tried to, once I saw I wouldn't be able to finish it, I went to bed still thinking about Daphne till I fell asleep.

Yay! So that was a long chapter for 1k views! 1545 words to be exact. Thank you so much once again for all the views, votes, and comments. Means a lot! Hope you enjoyed!

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