What for real happened POV: Tre

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The band broke up... One of the members not mentioning names cheated. You know cheating so this guy had a girlfriend. Everyone HATED. She was so mean to all of us. The classic girlfriend hates friends, friend has to choose. But he never had the chance to choose... Let's look back... So the girlfriend hates all of us and we hated her back. One day she came into our band room screaming and cursing! One of the band members told her to get out of he was calling the police. She kept screaming so the band member grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out. Neither of them came in again for at least an hour. The guy who's girlfriend it was went out to look around. He came back crying and his girlfriend half naked running behind him. The guy who was with her the whole hour ran off. The guy who's girlfriend it was was so mad that he said he left the band... He said "that's it I'm done I'll take my guitar and be out of this nightmare". Nobody said a word of the 4 men and 1 women in the room... That was the end me and Billie had never heard anything from those 2 guys EVER AGAIN. I cried, I loved green day soooooooo much. It was my life. Like actually my life. I spent so much time with the band. It was officially over. And you know what else was over we found a suicide note...

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