Chapter One

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||~Y/N's Point Of View~||

The car stopped at our old development, and to my surprise it looked exactly the same as I remembered it. I was happy that we still had our old house.

I almost ran to the door. Excitement and happiness coursing through my veins. I stood with my suitcase in hand, staring at my childhood house taking everything in. It was the middle of August, so we had some time to settle in before going back to school.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I jumped when the door next door opened.

"New neighbors?" The voice asked.

I looked over my shoulder to see the familiar blonde girl who hadn't changed one bit.

"Julie!" I shrieked running to her.

"Y-y/N!" She gasped, "I can't believe it!"

"What's going on out here?" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask before stepping outside to reveal himself.

I let go of Juliette to focus my attention on the tall red haired boy. He wore a tight white tee shirt and black jeans with a chain. He had a few piercings and even a red goatee. All in all, he

"Leon?" I let out, taken aback by his much changed appearance.

"Y/N!" He says.

"It's been a long time," I chuckle my face suddenly growing hot.

"What are you doing back?" Juliette asks.

"I'm here to stay," I smile.

"That's great, we need to catch up! Once you're done unpacking, come over for dinner. We can't be more happy to have you back!" Julie offers.

"That sounds wonderful," I grin taking my suitcase inside the house. I take one look back at Leon. He looked so different now. But it was far from a bad thing.


I put the remaining posters up on my wall and finally my room was done. It took almost the entire day, but I was determined to finish.

I checked the time, 7:23. I guessed it was time to go to Julie's for dinner.

"Mom, dad I'm going over to Julie's for dinner," I informed them and made my way over outside.

I knocked three times, and the same red headed boy opened the door.

He smiled, "Welcome."

His smile was so cute. "Hi."

He lead me to the dining room and I sat next to Julie. Their parents were also here.

"It's such a pleasant surprise to see you!" Their mom chirped.

"I know it's crazy," I smile.

"So you're staying, is that right?" Their father asks.

"Yep! I don't think I'd ever want to leave again." I admit. This was always where I belonged.

"Tell us about America," Julie gawks.


I told them about everything. The food, the sights, and the people. Just basically how life was in America.

"That sounds great, I wanna live there someday," Leon says.

"It was. But I'm glad to be back," I say.

"Did you know Leon plays baseball?" Julie asks.

"Oh yeah! He's great at it. He even has great potential," His mom chimes in.

"The girls fall all over him," His dad winks.

"Aw c'mon stop it..." Leon says, his face pink.

I giggled at how cute and childish he looked.

"I won't be surprised if he plays professional baseball in the future," His dad remarks.

"I don't even want to. I wanna become a rock star." Leon whines.

"You play guitar?" My eyebrow raises. I didn't peg him as that type. Well I mean his appearance kind of hinted at it anyway...

"I'm trying." He says.

"Don't listen to him," Julie says to me, "He can't even strum a few notes."

"Hey!" Leon flings a pea at her. "I can totally do that!"

I laugh. Their sibling rivalry never changed.

"So where's Keith?" Their mom asks referring to my brother.

"Oh he's back in America. He won't be coming for another week. He's got stuff to finish up." My brother was two years older than me, the same age as Leon. A senior in high school this year.

"I can't wait to see my bro!" Leon cheers. They were also best friends.

I was so happy being back. I sighed as I ate the remaining food that was on my plate. Mrs. Kuwata always was a good cook.

I stole a quick glance from Leon, and I imagined him throwing a baseball. Was he really that good? And did he really want to become a musician?

I realized then just how long I was gone for. He'd changed...a lot. He wasn't the goofy airhead I knew all those years ago. He was adorable to say the least now.

The Boy Next Door {Leon Kuwata x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now