The Stray

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Hai guys sorry for not writing in a while but heres a new story hope you like it. Please leave a comment on who you would like me to write about next!! : )

Y/N's Pov

"Leeaaaafffyyyy we can't just leave it outside all alone" you whined. You and Leafy were walking outside together and you noticed a little dog following you " y/n I like hamsters better plus I don't want to take care of a dog that's to much responsibility." I'm a lazy person but sometimes it made me think if Leafy doesn't want to take care of a dog it worried me when we have a kid and get married, does he really want a kid I mean I don't really want one but eventually were going to have a family "Please Leafy you won't have to take care of it i'll take care of the dog it will be like having a family." I smiled at him hoping that maybe he will reconsider

Author's Pov

Leafy didn't really want a dog but the fact that y/n was happy and said that it will be like having a family really warmed his heart to think that she does want a future with him "Fine then just cause your really happy about it"  "Yayy!!!" y/n picked up the little dog and ran back to their house Leafy looked at her happy face and smiled he waked back to their house and saw that y/n was washing the dog "he's sooo cute" y/n exclaimed Leafy bend down and help wash the dog " I thought you didn't like him" y/n said " Well maybe he's growing on me" Leafy said as he rubbed the shampoo into the dog's fur "what should we call him " y/n asked "Umm I don't know" Leafy said "mmm lets call him (insert dog name here)" Y/n chimed "Ok then" Leafy said

Time skip : )

Leafy went to record his video it was pretty late and he was recording his video he then finished, edited, and uploaded his video he went into their shared room he walked in and saw y/n sleeping with the dog wrapped in her arms he changed into his sleeping clothes and layed down next to her "oh hey Leafy" y/n said " Oh did I wake you up y/n" Leafy said "Kind of but its alright" y/n said and smiled ,Leafy then pouted "What?" y/n said confused "I don't like how you're cuddling with the dog and not me" Leafy said still pouting y/n laughed "You jelly?" Maybe" y/n laughed and kissed him he kissed her back passionately he pulled away and moved the dog. He wrapped his arms around her, she dug her face ino his neck he smiled as she did this "I love you so fucking much y/n" Leafy looked at her and smiled "I love you to Calvin" she said and smiled back he kissed her the dog then got up and layed on leafy's chest they both smiled and y/n pet he dog and they all fell asleep

Hope you guys liked it and comment some topics that you would like me to write about next : )

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