I - Moving On

17 1 1

Song of the Chapter: Life of the Party
August 17, 2009


So this is how it all started. Well first let me tell you where I am now.

I never liked Oakland, California. It was full of drugs, which I didn't know at the time, but has been clearly shown to me now.  I moved back here after not being able to stomach being in Canada anymore. I couldn't stand Canada for many reasons, but the major reason was having Shawn out of my life. I couldn't stand not having him to go to when I needed someone to hold me, or talk to when no one else knew how I felt. Canada was hard to stay in after I broke Shawn's heart.

I loved Canada, but after the whole thing with Shawn I couldn't stay there. I was constantly reminiscing, driving down the same roads Shawn and I would go down all the time. Even passing by the places we would go to every Friday night with our friends. He would sing Karaoke, I would watch him with full admiration. I knew he had a gift and that it would bring him somewhere someday. Now I know where it brought him, to a year round tour with hundreds of cities waiting to hear his voice.

But anyway back to the story, it all started when we moved from Oakland because my parents had wanted to move back with the rest of my family in Canada. I was only 11, but I remember some that had happened, including the day my sister went missing. My sister Alana had went missing a year before, Alana was 14 when she went missing.

The cops had started an investigation, the investigation was closed after 6 months of her being missing. They had found her dead, in an ally way in down town Oakland. Many girls had went missing, that all had been around the same age, the police in our area suspected it was a gang that had taken them. There were many gangs around this area, they were deadly, lethal, and armed.

My mom and dad had jobs where we traveled a lot, they had been part of an international business. We moved from place to place as their jobs got switched from station to station. It hadn't happened in awhile, we where stationed here since I was born. They were never really home all the time, so my sister and the babysitter had become my best friends.

I was told to start packing, I could only take things that I wanted. The rest would be given away. I packed all my clothes and my mother helped me while my dad took apart my bunk bed with I had shared with my sister before she went missing. My parents still weren't the same. All of my sisters clothes we're put in bags and then my father started picking up her stuffed animals that she kept in the corner. He had picked all of them up with the exception of one. It was her favorite teddy bear, she kept it on the window sill. I saw him look at it and he was about to put it in the bag with the rest of them. I stopped him abruptly.

"Daddy, wait!" He looked at me and I grabbed the stuffed bear from his hands. I looked at him then to my mother. "Can I keep this one?" I asked them, looking at the bears beat fur and scratched up eyes. Alana had taken that teddy bear everywhere until a year or two ago, it was her good luck charm.

My dad sighed and looked at my mother. "No Evie, you can't keep it." He said taking it from me. My mother walked to my side and put one of her hands in my shoulder.  He looked at it in his hands then started moving to put it in the bag along with the rest of her stuff.

My mom scoffed at my father and took the teddy bear from the bag and handed it to me. "Go continue packing your clothes Evie." She said to me while pushing me towards the boxes.

My father glared at my mother, "She's gone, Jen. She's been gone for a year. She's not coming back." He started to sound angry at the end of his fit.

My parents haven't been the same since she went missing, they shut me out more, they started to fight more. I don't think my parents have kissed in months. My sisters disappearance and death had just caused chaos in my house hold. My mom couldn't sleep for weeks and my dad didn't go to work for awhile. Even though more people were home because of this, my house still felt like the most lonely place with out my sister.

How I broke his heart. (S.M fan fiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα