I heard the front door and feet shuffling. I looked up at the door way to find Harry glancing in the room as if he was checking. He stopped when he saw me and entered the room.

"Hey, why aren't you at lunch?" He asked coming over to me. I seemed to sink farther in the couch not wanting to be anywhere near him right now.

"What's wrong?" he asked noticing my apprehension. His eyes seemed to show concern, but for the first time I wondered if it was real. If he was pretending. Harry likes to play games with girls. Was I one of those girls?

"Nothing," I answered a little blandly refusing to meet his eyes.

"No really, what's wrong?" he asked moving closer.

"Nothing, Harry. Drop it," I snapped.

Something flashed in his eyes. It looked like hurt, but it quickly vanished and was replaced by anger. He backed up and sneered.

"Fine. I don't want to know about your pathetic problem anyway,"  he storms out and I almost go after him. Almost. I'm tired of being the one to chase. I sighed glancing at the clock realizing I had to go back to class. I really didn't want to.

The walk across campus was slow and agonizing. I entered the building and avoided as many people as possible.

"Harper!" I heard someone call from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and turned around but my annoyance simmered when I saw that it was Louis.

"Hey," he breathed.

"Hey," I replied and started walking towards my room again with Louis in step beside me.

"What happened with Harry? He came storming into the cafeteria huffing and puffing and when I asked him what was wrong he shouted 'Harpers being a bitch!'" he told me. I cringed at the name Harry had called me. I hate that it hurts so much that he called me that. I wish I didn't care, but I know I do.

"I was just not in a good mood and he asked me what was wrong and I said nothing, then he got mad at me," I said keeping my eyes ahead of me. Louis stops and grabs my arm. I look up at him as if to ask what and he gives me a look.

"You're not helping yourself. If you want Harry you have to be careful about what you say," he says softly. I'm getting a bit tired of him acting like I don't know what I'm doing. Which I don't, but still.

"See. That's just it! I don't want to have to watch what I say! I shouldn't have to keep my mouth shut while he gets to say whatever he wants. Its not fair and I'm sick of it! I won't take it anymore!" I tell  him exasperated. He just stares at me for a long hard minuet before pulling me into a hug. I hug him back tightly. I needed a hug and I was going to take it and appreciate it.

"Can't breathe," Louis jokes in a strained tone. I laugh and pull away.

"Where are you headed?" I ask. Louis and I had never really been close. We were obviously friendly with each other, but I had never been to bothered by little details.

"I have actually just transferred to French," he says.

"No way! I have that class right now," I tell him excitedly. I didn't like anybody in my French class. They were all jerks and preppy, and they looked down on me because I was Harry was my best friend. They didn't know him like I did. They only know the him that he hides behind. I shouldn't care that much right now, but no matter how mad I am at him I will always defend him.

"We should probably go," Louis says.

"Yeah probably," I say and turn to go down the hall as does Louis. I freeze for about a half a second to find Harry down the hallway staring at us. Jaw tight, fists clenched. I immediately look away and keep going. I can feel his eyes on me the whole time. He looks like he almost wants to grab me as I pass him, but notices how tense my body is and decides against it. I could swear I heard him growl at Louis. I think Louis heard too so he hurried to be right beside me.

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