" Or at lest you would have been ", Camille says before shes on his neck and Simon stops breathing completely.

you are not a monster.

The next time Simon sees Raphael hes on the ground, dirt under his nails from clawing out of his own grave. His shirt is stained with blood and Clary along with Jace are watching him with pity. He knows what he is, knows what hes become and all he can think to do is run, so he does. He runs until Raphael catches up to him and stops him.

" I can see my reflection! does that mean that i'm not one of you? " Simon ask even as he already knows the answer.

" You have a lot to learn. " Raphael replies softly.

" This can't be happening! " Simon yells at he pulls at his hair.

Hes panicking and before he knows it he and Raphael are yelling at one another. Simon can't do this, He was normal just a few weeks ago and now this vampire is telling him his new home is going to be a condemned hotel. He tries to leave once more but the vampire grabs his arm and Simon pulls it away so roughly that were he still human he would have dislocated his shoulder.

" Don't touch me! You did this to me! You're a monster! " Simon screams trough his teeth and then it hits him hard, " I'm a monster. ".

Raphael looks hurt but his voice is comforting, " usted no es un monstruo. ".

Raphael keeps talking after that in English but Simon can't listen anymore and he uses his new strength to toss the other man into the abandoned food truck behind them before taking off into the night.

its good to see you again.

Simon is still a bit of a mess the next time he sees Raphael but hes in a better place than he was before. So when Raphael makes a comment about the hotel not being a hotel Simon has to make a sarcastic remark. Raphael rolls his eyes before speaking.

" Even starvation can't shut you up. " Raphael's voice goes soft near the end as he follows the English with Spanish, " es bueno verte otra vez. ".

Simon isn't sure whats being said and if they were in another place, another time he mite have liked the tone in Raphael's voice but as it is they finish they're negotiations and then Simon is locked in a cage with his best friend. Hes trying so hard not to listen to the sound of blood coursing trough her veins but soon its too much and hes calling out the vampires name once again. The blood Raphael brings him taste almost like a mundane bloody mary and it makes the process of getting it down easier. Raphael watches him and Clary close as he drinks and talks about family. Its a surprise to Simon that despite his anger towards the other man the idea doesn't sound as terrible as it should.

I missed you too.

Things go by to quickly for Simon to fully grasp after that, he barely hears himself as he pledges his loyalty to Raphael in exchange for the vampires help. The pledge only registers when its all over and Clary and the others are gone and he feels more alone than he has in his entire life. The welcome home from Raphael makes him shiver with unease and something else hes not ready to deal with yet.

A few days is apparently all it takes for Simon to annoy Raphael enough to get kicked out. He ends up at the jade wolf with Luke who much to his relief allows him into his territory with out a moments hesitation. He thinks he'll spend a few hours with Luke and head back to the hotel but he ends up staying for days and only returns to the hotel with Raphael all but demands it after Simon black mails him into supplying Clary with humane blood to save Luke.

" My new adviser has to stay here. " Raphael had said with his signature smirk.

Simon had wanted to want to refuse but he didn't. Clary was glaring at the head vampire but Simon told her to go, Luke needed her. Once she had gone he had found himself staring at Raphael with a longing he wasn't prepared for and moved a tad closer to the other with out meaning too. Raphael noticed and his smirk mellowed in a soft smile Simon had never seen on him before.

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