Body Language

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Summary: Raphael saying cute little comments about Simon and Simon thinking they're insults, when really they are compliments/endearments.
By: gambitsgeekyprincess

Work Text:

you're cute for a mundane

" Eres linda para un mundano . " is whispered into Simon's ear as the hand around his mouth stops him from screaming for Izzy.

Simon can not believe what his life has become. Hes hanging upside down, held up only by one hand high above the ground. Hes trying to focus on Clary and not the drop that might meet him if the woman holding him up decides to let him go. His thought's are pulled away from Clary and the round by the sound of the same voice that had whispered coldly in his ear earlier. There is talk of a trade and then the world is flashing by at a speed that leaves Simon feeling sick with his eyes tightly closed. If the situation was different he might have been able to enjoy the feeling of two strong arms wrapped holding him to a well defined chest.

It isn't until hes locked somewhere in a room full of coffins and yelling out of the worlds smallest window that he gets a good look at one of his kidnappers. The man stalks towards him and while Simon is terrified he can't help but notice the mans face. Hes young, Maybe in his late teens. His dark hair and eyes compliment his pale bronze skin. Simon tries not gape at the man as he draws closer.

" You don't need me. " Simon pleads.

" On the contrary, I do. " The man replies with a snarl.

He rambles all the way to a well furnished room and he rambles even more once they're there and the vampire begins to speak. Simon talks and searches for a way out or a weapon. The dagger seems like a good choice until he misses the heart and the vampire looks down and his now damaged jacket. Simon's sure this is the end until the word hostage is in the air.

" I'm a hostage!? that means you won't kill me yeah? " Simon says with a smile.

" Won't kill you. who said that? " A woman ask as she enters the room, " Rapahel. " .

Simon can tell by the other mans, Raphael's silence, that this woman is bad news and he panics once more. The sound of his rambling feels the room and becomes annoying even to him but he can't seem to stop. He finds himself offering to pay for a new jacket for Raphael and he would laugh at the way the vampire rolls his eyes before leaving if his life weren't in danger.

you smell warm.

" Huele caliente. " the vampire says into his ear once more as the hand with the knife loosens just a tad once the woman is out of the room.

Clary and the others are there before Simon gets a chance to ramble something back and then they're all being let somewhere by Raphael. It all goes so fast, Simon hears threats fall from the vampires mouth and retorts from Clary and then there is hands on his back pushing him near Jace and open door. It only hits him then that the vampire is letting him go, he tries to thank the man but the words " You mean nothing!. " are all he gets in return.

The words stick in his head and for awhile its all he can think about and hes not sure why but then things start to get weird and he finds himself standing in front of the hotel he was held captive in once more. Raphael is there and chases him off pretty quickly. Simon tells himself he'll be alright and not to go back. Then a few days later hes breaking things and thinking about blood like way more than anyone should and he knows he has no choice.

He lets himself into the hotel and finds his way back to the room where Raphael and the other woman had kept him during his stay. He calls out but only his own voice echoes back. He calls out for Raphael before he even realizes what hes saying but the sound of foot steps makes him glad he called the other man. When he turns to speak he isn't looking at the vampire he was hoping for. The woman tells him the effects will wear off and that hes still human and Simon breathes easy for the first time in days.

Saphael One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant