Game 1

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Logan's Pov.

I was sitting on my Rolling chair playing Xbox talking to my friends Morgan,Hailey,and of course Brody.
Now Brody and I have a "special" relations meaning he doesn't really know who I am....But that doesn't matter! You know why?!,because he will be mine!! But who gets in the way of that Morgan! That Baka!With her lovely blue eyes and her determination,and how she can make your heart melt with only a couple of words...I guess that's why Brody is interested in Morgan more then me...
But! That's ok because I have weeping and I love her! Right? I then hear Morgan start screaming in the microphone. My ears are basically shattering from her screaming,then she suddenly logs off. Hailey then says what the hell like usual and,Brody starts panicking. I tried to calm him down but then he just logged off. He was kind of cute all jumpy like that. I talk to Hailey for awhile longer and then I had to go.
~days later~
I just got on the bus wanting to kill myself because I had to go to school. I shudder just thinking about it. There was this boy sitting in my assigned seat and I about murder him! But that's when he turned around...I Freeze its Brody...I then look at the girl beside of him. THAT BAKA MORGAN!!! They didn't know what I looked like because I never showed my face. I look at them wanting to hug them because they are my online Besties!! After I snap out of my thoughts I tell them that they are in my seat. Morgan then says "Oh! I'm so sorry we didn't know there were assigned seats!" she is way to chirpy at 7:00. Brody looks at Morgan giving her the "who the bloody hell is this" face. So I just decided to take it upon myself and sit across from them. Morgan gives me a smile and apologizes about Brody being all jerky,she also mumbles he's not a morning person. I laugh and then look at Brody noting all of his wonderful features. But then was quickly interrupted by a nearby face plant.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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