Moonlight Sonata

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Vincent sighed as he looked up at the large full moon. He sat down on the rock cliff his long raven hair danced in the strong breeze signaling a storm was on its way his crimson eyes void of anything as he let his mind wander but of course avoided thinking of the past.

'Come now Vince... we both know you can't avoid thinking about her for very long besides you can’t let her go especially not after what Hojo did... tsk tsk taking her from you now that is one of the cruelest things anyone could do...' Galian murmured from the deepest recesses of Vincent's mind.

Vincent closed his eyes 'Just leave me be Galian... for once be quiet and leave me be...' he replied blocking any further commentary from the demon.

                        Maria entered the clearing to see a cliff edge, lost in her own thoughts. She saw a man sitting over there and sighed, sliding to the ground, where blood poured from her wounded stomach, "Looks like i don’t have much longer..." she murmured.

Her dog, Jeane whimpered, licking at her cheek pitifully. Maria merely looked down at her dog and smiled reassuringly, but to no avail, her dog whimpered again.

Vincent looked over at Maria his gaze immediately went to the wound on her stomach. He looked back away knowing he couldn’t do anything for her besides -if she spoke to him and asked-end her suffering. He shook his head knowing he wouldn’t do it anyways and did not understand why such a notion actually went through his mind.

Maria noticed the man looked at her, a sharp pain ripped through her when she touched the gaping wound, "Damn... so my life ends here..." She grunted out painfully, blood poured from her wound, still not stopping.

As Kasaundra walked through a forest, she sensed a presence & smelled blood. She began to run in that direction, wondering if someone was hurt.

Maria rested her head on the tree trunk, still staring at the man, “Some might be offended if they saw a person looking at them, seeing they were hurt but did nothing to help," she dared to say, "But I’m dying and i know it, so you probably do too," Jeane too looked at the man in wonder and hostility, for her master was dying and she was worrying if this man would try to harm her as well.

"Of course…" He replied not glancing in her direction as he continued to look at the night sky with false interest. He had seen it all before the sky rarely changed when it did it was so little a change he couldn't call it change just a single point shift.

Maria's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, “How so very rude, to a person who’s dying to top it all off. Are you this short with everyone?"

Kasaundra came to a clearing & saw an injured girl and ran towards her to help her.

Maria turned her head slightly to see a woman racing towards her, arms extended as if to help her. Psh, how very kind of her

She ran to the girl and saw how hurt she was & took out her sword.Raising her sword high into the air, she cried, "Faith of the dragon!!!!!"

"What are- AH!" she yelped in pain when she tried to move away from the girl, as her wound continued to bleed. 'Losing.... strength....'

Vincent just snorted hiding a smirk behind the collar of his cloak as yet another woman came around. 'Seems this place is quite popular with the dying girl here...' he thought as he stood preparing to leave. He didn’t do well with other people and the two women counted as other people (yes he included his demons in this group). Vincent just walked off though he did not realize it but he had forgotten his flute there on the cliff.

"I saw that smirk!" Maria called out to him irritably as her dog, Jeane stared in wonder as her wound slowly closed.The sword sliced through the wound, and a bright light surrounded the girl. As the light brightened, the wound on the girls’ stomach began to disappear. Maria looked down; the only signs of the wound were the torn fabric of her brown wolf furred shirt, not even a scar showed. Maria stared in shock at her now closed wound, "Th- thank you..." she murmured, the dog whimpered in relief and rested its furry head on Maria's lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2011 ⏰

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