Chapter 1

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Kira's POV

Saying that I was nervous was an understatement when I awoke this morning. I had a feeling something that was going to happen, whether good or bad I don't know. I didn't feel like getting up however and snuggled deeper into my covers. It was only 7am after all.

That is, until a thought popped into my head that reminded me what day it was. "Shit it's released today!" I yelled as I tried to get off my bed. Emphasis on 'tried', the sheets tangled around my legs and I literally fell out of bed. "What a cliché." I grumbled as I untangled myself and got up, shuffling over to the bathroom.

I took a glance in the mirror and cringed. "Well good morning you freaking zombie." I mumbled while staring at my reflection. I looked like a child spawned from Godzilla and fucking Chewbacca, that had a family of rats making a nest in its hair, who left their dog at home for weeks while they were on vacation.

Also known as morning hair and my usual sleep-deprived self. I groaned and undressed before taking a quick shower. After that I changed and headed downstairs to greet my mother.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love my mother, it's just that she's way too perky in the morning. "Good morning sunshine!" she said as I slumped into a chair. "Mom, I am way too sleepy to deal with rainbows and flowers this early." I stated and grabbed the coffee she set before me.

My mother chuckled and set down a plate of waffles. "I figured, you were so excited last night that you couldn't sleep correct?" she asked me as I switched to digging into my waffles with gusto. "Yea, and the fact that I also start school tomorrow, one that requires living in the dorms." I made a face and nearly choked on my food.

I swallowed and took a big drink of my coffee and cringed. "Oww oww it burns! Hot!" I yelled and stuck some fruit into my mouth, fanning since I had nothing cold to drink. I glared at my coffee angrily, but still gingerly drank it, as I'm addicted before finally finishing my breakfast.

My mother waited until I was done before talking, "Now that I think about it, didn't that bookstore open around an hour ago?" she asked trying not to laugh, with a twinkle in her eye. "Wahhh it did! Bye mom love you!" I yelled and got up, grabbing my purse and running out the door. Luckily as the store wasn't too far, I don't have to catch the bus, instead I ran there.

Although it wasn't that far away, I was still worried since I was late. "Please don't be out, please don't be out." I said repeatedly as I rushed in and headed to the section of the store reserved for new books. There was a fair amount of people so it took a moment to get there.

I browsed around and saw the W's. "Yes!" I cheered and rushed over. Only to be hit with the harsh reality. "No... I can't believe it!" I cried, "They're out of it already?! It only opened an hour ago!" I slowly sank to the ground in despair, before jumping back up. " 'Wolves of the Night' can't be that popular right? Maybe the front counter has some more stashed away or something up there." I said in desperation when suddenly I heard someone yell "mate" and something, or rather someone knocked straight into me.

I fell to the ground and my vision got fuzzy. I rolled over when it cleared and saw a drop dead gorgeous girl with animal ears and a tail grinning on top of me. "Hi I'm Hina!" she said still smiling.

A.N. So... tell me how you like the new update and also, what do you think of this 'Hina'?

It will be her POV in the next chapter, so look forward to learning more about her!

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